Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/223

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The Three Ways. *i*i

soon to be opened, only sinful things will be prohibited, while those who travel the narrow way must deny themselves and sacrifice many things not sinful, as well as war contin- ually against besetting sins. This is a pathway of sacrifice, as that of the coming age is to be a highway of righteousness. Of that highway it is significantly stated in symbolic language that "No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon; it shall not be found there." (Isa. 35 : 9.) How many frightful lions are now in the way of those who would be glad to forsake sinful ways, and to pursue righteousness ! There is the lion of a degenerate publicsenti- ment, which deters many from venturing to obey the dic- tates of conscience in matters of every-day life dress, home and business arrangements, etc. The lion of temptation to strong drink hinders thousands who would be glad to see it removed. Prohibitionists and temperance workers now find a herculean task on their hands, which only the authority and power of the next age can remove; and the same may be said of other worthy efforts at moral reform. "Nor shall any ravenous beast go up thereon." No giant corporations, organized to advance selfish, individual inter- ests at the expense of the general good, will be tolerated.

  • They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain ' *

(kingdom) saith the Lord. (Isa. 11:9.) Though there will be difficulties to labor against in overcoming propensities to evil, etc., yet, in comparison with the narrow way of this age, that will be an easy way. The stones (stumbling- stones) shall all be gathered out, and the standard of truth shall be lifted up for the people. (Isa, 62 : 10.) Ignorance and superstition will be things of the past, and righteous- ness will receive its due reward, while to evil will be meted out its just deserts. (MaL 3:15,18.) By wholesome chas- tisements, fitting encouragements and plain instructions, as returned prodigals, mankind will be trained and disci-

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