Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/249

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Terrx. Filius, N �v falutary, eftentire to the tafte, aad �urfeiting the body. . The medic.'?d apple and the la? apple w?e like- wife orig?ally v? ufeful ?uits; but, I am affaid? t?t they re romething degenerated? fince their The logical a?ple, the metaphyfical appk, and the grammaria? apple were always, by themfelves, very d7 jqune; but, when they ar? mixed u? in a pye, they feve very well to corre& the t?rtnefi or leviff of other The natural hil?phy a? le, <fl the moral fi?Q apple are ?rfe&ly ?ne ]r?tt, and yet (what iivery 'firange)are very little vflued? infomuch tha? they commonly hmg upon the tree till they rct. or are blo?'n ?n by the The ma:L'?matic?t ,??fk, the ge?raphical a?ple, ?d tt?e afiro, omical a?ple relilh very well to a good ?te? bu? there are fo few of thole in thi? cor- rupted age, that they are genesfly defp?f?. The rhetorical apple, ?he poetical a?pte, and the ?t?cal ap#e are $ret& eating enough for young people; but to others they ?e no mo?e than Hav?g givea m account of this flupendou$ T u z ?, aM the r[?it which it rs, I proceed to the methods by Mch ?erg one mu? qualifI - ?;m?,f to eat ? it. Tie riche? d this frost bein? upon the wp of tSe tree, ? high ladder, with a certain number rau?ds, placed ar a due diflacce ?om each other, is fixed up :gain? it, ?d no ?rffon, who hungers

fie; tee a?p;es ? kno?le&e, is permitted to run

up as fait aa Ee can to the top of the tr(?but mu? pr?cee? by de?rte$ 6ore one round to another,. in a regul? ?anner: he mu?, for the thrge or fi? )'?rs, w?it upon the ground, under the tree, =d ?e content to have them h<ded down to him