Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/281

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64 Teme-F?kius. N �_ Indeed, they ha_v,e long, tedious orms, which they �,!I exercifes, thro which every can&date for a gree mutt ?ali, before he is invetted in the convoca. tion-hou_/e: but, by the fame rule that the ,vulgar etteem him a deep febolaf, who has gone thro thel? forms, they may e?eem the city b?$oats, who took/./fie m Bunhill-fields gallant foldiers and ex?e, ?ienced leaders. There fcholatlick exerci�es may be divided into four branches, viz. di./jutation,, freauentin pubhd: le&?res, examinations. anti det.� a.ons. I have explained the manner of their dtfputatio?: in a former paper, and have fhewn them to bc nothing but the repetition of longflring? of thre.?d- bare fyliogi�ms upon rome ridiculous, obfolete, and unedif} ing quellions in Iogiek, metqhyfick?, andre&o! d?vinity, which a lere?-man can d% a? well as the oldell closer in the univerfity. It is alfo required, by fidrote, of all ?andidam, that they have been confiant hea.. of the i?ubtkk le?!um in thole faculties, in which they ?!and for deg.. ? for inthnce, every candidate for the degree o{ batd?dov o arts is obliged for one v?hole ear, from this firft entrance into the tm?verfity, to be �ent at the grammar leglure twice every week, on Wu?rday? and Irriday?i and_at the rhet_orit?l legtm_e on M?nda)'s and WhurJda)'? ? after the end of the year, 'fill he is ?rdinted to his Ds?t?., he i? obliged " to attend the 1og. eal kaure every Monday ?nd Whu?f- da. ? and the mora!-pbiloj3?by l?ure every Tuefda_ and ?Fridayi and from the end of hsj?e0nd year? untfi one whole year after he has taken his batchelor's degree, he is obliged, according to the Savitiay ftatutes, to. attend the geometry lec'tur? every ?t?dnefday and In otl?er degrees, the time attendance i? required at the p.&li?k ?r. in other fi�?lti�? i .for a!l which, DaD