Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/306

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Ngxtv. Terr.Filhss. 8 9. haps I do not ddirve it; fi?r i have t?en fo much of the world now, that I make it a doubt whe- thera man ought to be pitied for fuffering in de- fence of an?, p?rtv ?ha?ez'er. At lea?,'m y zeal in thole matters is fo much abated titace that time, that I fl?oul? have, long ago, forgiven and forgot all the hard ufige I ex?rien- ced upon Party accounts, had I only (who ought only) experienc'd it i but you (ee, that ?ur gentle? men, by fl?ewing too much candour for me, were marked out for ven?e,?nce and per?cution? nor did the tyrannical Pre/'?t Farely threat? to ?igma- tize there men, b',t has already fulfilt'd his fevere? promi?s with the fubverfion of a?cient curiores, and the violation of po;7tive One of there gentlemen having lon? ago uifl?'d himfel? b the fame ?;nc{pleg which ff?oufed, he ,armor fuffer mn?e for voting for me, than he did before upon the time account: but the. care oe the ether three is very remarkable, the? be- ing all at that time in the fayour of the Preffde?, of different opinions from me, and by their vrm- ciples Oecording to the common cuffore of world) rather prejudie'd again? me than for me: but they a?ed according to Confiio?ce, ?nd not accor- ding to Parqi they might perhaps judge too fa- yourably of me i but they judged according to the ?e? of their knowled?e? they would not their aff?ance to my ruin, for not agreeing with them in matters of f?ccula?ion and indifference nor would they believe what every ma!iciou? ? tongue reported again? me =,itkent It is worth mentioning that one of the? tbrev (thus unprejudiced in my fayour) was Dean of the college for mo? part, and efpecially the latter part of the term of my probation; that his o?ce made- him the be? 'udge Of my behaviour, how I had perform? thd and exerc?s, obferved the prayers. ' and