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Boas, Franz.

1916. II. Phonetic Transcription of Indian Languages (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 66, no. 6, Washington, 1916. [Report of Committee of American Anthropological Association, with Goddard, Sapir, Kroeber]).
See also Emmons, 1907. I; Teit, 1898. I; Teit, 1909. I.

Bogoras, Waldemar.

1904. I. The Chukchee—Material Culture (Memoirs, American Museum of Natural History, vol. 11, part 1, Leiden and New York, 1904).

Bowman, Isaiah.

1916. I. The Andes of Southern Peru. Geographical Reconnaissance along the Seventy-third Meridian (American Geographical Society of New York, New York, 1916).

Brasseur de Bourbourg, C. E.

1861. I. Popol Vuh. Le Livre sacré et les Mythes héroïques et historiques des Quichés, etc. Brussels, 1861.

Brinton, Daniel G.

1882. I. American Hero-Myths. A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent. Philadelphia, 1882.

1882. II. The Maya Chronicles. Philadelphia, 1882.

1885. I. The Lenâpé and their Legends; with the Complete Text and Symbols of the Walum Olum, a new Translation, and an Inquiry into its Authenticity. Philadelphia, 1885.

1885. II. The Annals of the Cakchiquels. The Original Text, with a Translation, Notes and Introduction. Philadelphia, 1885.

1890. I. Essays of an Americanist. Philadelphia, 1890.

1891. I. The American Race. Philadelphia, 1891.

Brower, J. V.

1904. I. Mandan. (Memoirs of Explorations in the Basin of the Mississippi, Contributions by E. R. Steinbrueck, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1904).

Burton, Frederick R.

1909. I. American Primitive Music with Especial Attention to the Songs of the Ojibways. New York, 1909.

Bushnell, David I., Jr.

1909. I. The Various Uses of Buffalo Hair by the North American Indians (American Anthropologist, N. S. vol. 11, pp. 401–425, Lancaster, 1909).

Carr, Lucien.

1896. I. The Food of Certain American Indians and their Methods of Preparing It (Proceedings, American Antiquarian Society, N. S. vol. 10, Worcester, 1896).