Page:The American Indian.djvu/480

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Antilles, 43, 46, 56, 66, 69, 76, 113, 121, 123, 132, 157, 237, 248; archæological characterization of, 263264; cultural characterization of, 242
Antiquity, of archæological deposits in the Arctic, not established, 260; of archæological remains in California, 259; of cultures in Peru, 266; of remains, in Patagonia, 268; of skeletal remains, 323, 325
Antler, process of working, 122123
Apu Ollantay, Inca drama, 198
Aqueduct systems, Peru and Mexico, 107
Araucanians, 132, 150, 167, 235, 236
Arawak, 43, 157, 231, 236, 239, 242; distribution of, 237
Arawakan stock, 295, 335; tribal groups, 381382
Arch, absence of in New World architecture, 100
Archæological areas, 246; areas, agreement with historic culture areas, 334; centers, 329331
Archæological characterization of culture areas, Antilles, 263; Arctic area, 260; Atlantic Highlands, 267268; California, 258259; Canadian area, 260; Central Mexico, 261; Chile, 266267; Colombia, 264265; Columbia Basin, 259260; Ecuador, 265; Great Lakes area, 253254; Iroquoian area, 250252; Mississippi-Ohio area, 252253; North Atlantic area, 245; Northern Mexico, 260261; North Pacific Coast, 260; Panama, 261263; Patagonia, 268; Peru, 265266; Plains area, 254256; Pueblo, 256258; South Atlantic area, 248250; State of Oaxaca, 261; Yucatan, 261
Archæological classification, 245268; correlated with cultural classification, 328331; close correspondence with historic classification, 337
Archæological specimens, manner of classification, 245
Archæology, Eskimo, 216; European, 275276; Iroquoian, 331; North America, 245264; South America, 264268.
Architecture, 100114; centers of development, 100; Inca area, 232; Pueblo, 104, 257
Armor, defensive, 131132; Northern California, 213; North Pacific Coast area, 214; Plateau area, 210
Arrow-head, common types of, 119; distribution and form, 118; North Pacific Coast area, 214
Art, center, Pueblo, 81; characteristics of New World, 94; decorative, Eastern Woodland area, 221, 222; decorative, modern revival in, 2; decorative, Northern California, 213; decorative, North Pacific Coast area, 214; decorative, Plateau area, 210; double-curve, 85; geometric, 79; geometric, Plains, 208; geometric and realistic, 76; individualities in, 9495; of intense culture area, 9091; localization of, 338; Maya, high development of, 271, 277; Plains, 82, 84; realistic, 84; symbolic, 225
Artifacts, archæological, Northern Mexico, 260; California area, 258259; Columbia Basin, 259; most common in Antilles, 263, 264; stone, geographical segregation of, North Pacific area, 248; stone, types, and distribution, 118123
Arts, fine, 134148; mechanical, Pueblo area, 225; textile, 4566
Astronomical knowledge, New World peoples, 131
Athapascan stock, 285, 291, 295296, 335; distribution, 332; immigrants from the North, 339; linguistic and tribal groups, 370, 379
Atlantic Highlands, archæological characterization of, 267268
Australians, 307, 313; bodily proportions, 311
Ax, copper, 125; grooved, distribution, 118119
Axes, perforated, in Neolithic Europe, 122