Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/552

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[Fuegia, the

5. Coscinodiscus Luna, n. sp., Ehrb.; I. c.

Hab. Victoria Barrier and Land ; in Pancake Ice and in mud from 190 fathoms. In stomachs of Salpa, taken in Lat. 66° S., Long. 157° W. Graham's Land ; in mud from 207 fathoms.

6. Coscinodiscus ecceritricus, Ehrb.; Leb. Kr. p. 66. Kütz. Kiesel. Bacitt. p. 131. 1. 1. f. 9.

Hab. Victoria Barrier ; in Pancake Ice.

Pound on the European shores of the Atlantic, and at Vera Cruz ; in deposits at Oran, Bermuda, Virginia, U.S., and in Peruvian and African ? guano.

7. Coscinodiscus limbatus, Ehrb.; Schrift. Berl. JJcad. 1840. Kütz. 1. c. p. 131.

Hab. Victoria Barrier; in mud at 190 fathoms.

Also found in the JEgean sea.

8. Coscinodiscus lineatus, Kiitz. p. 131. 1. 1. f. 10.

Hab. Victoria Barrier and Land; in Pancake and Brash Ice, also in mud from 190 fathoms. Stomachs of Satpce within the Antarctic circle. In a floating scum Lat. 64.° S., Long. 160° W. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

A very widely dispersed species, inhabiting Melville Island, Sicily, Virginia, Maryland, and Peruvian guano.

9. Coscinodiscus Oculus-Iridk, Ehrb.; Leh. Kr. 1. c. Kiitz. 1. c. p. 132.

Hab. Victoria Land and Barrier; in Pancake Ice. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

Pound in the Atlantic Ocean, Bermudas, Mediterranean Sea, and in Peruvian guano.

10. Coscinodiscus radiolatus, Ehrb.; Kiitz. p. 132. 1. 1. f. 18. Hab. Victoria Barrier and Land; in Pancake Ice, and in mud from 190 fathoms. Graham's Land; in mud from 207 fathoms.

This occurs in the Mediterranean Sea, as also in deposits at Oran, Sicdy, the Bermudas, the United States, Peru and Cuba.

11. Coscinodiscus siMilis, Ehrb.; Schrift. Bed. Mad, Feb. 1844. Kiitz. I. c. p. 132. 1. 1. f. 16.

Hab. Victoria Land and Barrier ; in Pancake Ice. Stomachs of Saljxz and oceanic scums within the Antarctic circle. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

Previously found in deposits only, as in Sicily, the Bermudas, the United States, the Mastodon earth of the Plate river, Vera Cruz, and Peruvian and African guano.

12. Coscinodiscus velatus, Ehrb.; Schrift. Bed. Akad. Feb. 1844. Hab. Victoria Barrier; in Pancake Ice. Graham's Land; in inud from 207 fathoms.

Known previously only in the fossil deposits of Virginia and Maryland, U.S.


1. Flustrella concentrica, Ehrb.; Schrift, Berl. Akad, Feb. 1844. Hab. Victoria Barrier; in Pancake Ice. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

In a fossil state this species occurs in Sicily, Oran, the /Egeau Sea, Maryland, U.S, and in the Bermuda Islands.