Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/606

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Quarles, 153, 156, 157, 158

Quarterly Review, The, 206, 249

Quesnay, 91

Quincy, Josiah, 135, 292

—Josiah, Jr., 125 n.

Quodlibets, 4

Rabelais, 116

Radcliffe, Mrs., 177, 235

Rainbow, The, 237

Rain Dream, A, 271

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 18, 154

Ralph Waldo Emerson, 361 n.

Rambler, 85

Ramsay, David, 148

Randolph, 309

Rasselas, 284

Raynal, Abbé, 200

Records of the Boston Stage, 226 n.

Records of the Federal Convention, 147 n.

Records of the New York Stage, 221 n.

Recruiting Officer, 117

Red Book, The, 240, 311

Red Jacket, 283

Red Rover, The, 300

Redburn, 321

Redskins, The, 305

Redwood, 310

Reflections on the Resistance Made to King Charles I, 80

Rehearsal, 114

Religion of Nature, 94

Religious Courtship, 115

Remarkable Providences, 54 n.

René, 212

Representative Men, 353

Resources of the United States, The, 293 n.

Return from a Cruise, The, 226

Revere, Paul, 123

Reynolds, J. N., 322 n.

Rhapsodist, The, 288

Rhapsody on the Times, 175

Rich, Richard, 150

Richard Edney, 314

Richard Hurdis, 317

Richardson, 285

Richelieu, 49

Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved, The, 126

Rights of the Colonies Examined, The, 127

Rights of Women, The, 288

Ripley, George, 333, 339, 340, 345

Rip Van Winkle, 221, 231, 256, 259

Rising Glory of America, 182

Ritter, Karl, 187

River, The, 271

Rivington, James, 182

Roach, Miss Chevillette, 317

Rob of the Bowl, 311

Robbins, Abigail, 192

Robert of Lincoln, 272

Robertson, William, 29, 91, 97

Robespierre, 91

Robin, Abbé, 212

Robinson, J., 227

Robinson Crusoe, 284, 302

Rogers, Major Robert, 217

—Samuel, 243, 255, 265

Rolfe, John, 225

Rolliad, The, 171, 174

Romeo and Juliet, 265

Roscoe, William, 255

Rose, Aquila, 161

Rose of Aragon, 231

Rosmary, 263

Rousseau, 102, 119, 187, 188, 199, 208, 213, 331, 346

Rowe, 116

Rowlandson, Mrs. Mary, 6, 7

Rowson, Mrs. Susanna, 179, 226, 285, 286

Royal America Magazine, The, 123

Rules by which a Great Empire May be Reduced to a Small One, 98, 140

Ruling Passion, The, 179

Rural Poems, 163

Rural Wanderer, The, 234

Rush, Benjamin, 91

Ruth, 183, 197, 213

Ryan's Company, 218

St. Asaph, Bishop of, 103 St. Augustine, 59 St. Francis, 104 Salmagundi, 233, 238-39, 240, 247, 311 Sands, 240 Sandys, Edward, 18 Saratoga Springs, 229 Sargent, Epes, 223, 224 —Winthrop, 175 Sarony, Otto, 278 Satanstoe, 305, 311 Saunterer, The, 234 Savage, Mrs., 227 —John, 225 n. Savonarola, 344 Savoyard Vicar, 105 Say and Sele, Lord, 37 n. Schelling, 332, 332 n., 357 Schiller, 194, 212, 219, 270, 332 Schleiermacher, F. D. E., 332 Schoolcraft, H. R., 212 Schuyler, Philip, 259 Scots Proprietors, 5 Scott, Sir Walter, 183, 241, 248, 255, 261, 282, 285, 292, 293, 295, 297, 300, 305, 306, 317 Scout, The, 315 Sea, The, 271 Sea Lions, The, 302 Seabury, Rev. Samuel, 136, 137 "Sealsfield, Charles" (Karl Postl), 190, 212, 325 Seamstress of New York, The, 229 Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England, 75 Seasons, 163 Secret Journals, 144 n. Sedgwick, Miss C. M., 308, 310, 324