Page:The Corsair (Byron).djvu/113

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Note 6, page 37, line 15.
"And my stern vow and order's laws oppose

The Dervises are in colleges, and of different orders, as the monks.

Note 7, page 39, line 9.
They seize that Dervise!—seize on Zatanai!


Note 8, page 40, line 8.
He tore his beard, and foaming fled the fight,

A common and not very novel effect of Mussulman anger. See Prince Eugene's Memoirs, page 24. "The Seraskier received a wound in the thigh; he plucked up his beard by the roots, because he was obliged to quit the field."

Note 9, page 42, line 11.
Brief time had Conrad now to greet Gulnare,

Gulnare, a female name; it means, literally, the flower of the Pomegranate.

Note 10, page 53, line 13.
Till even the scaffold echoes with their jest!

In Sir Thomas More, for instance, on the scaffold, and Anne Boleyn in the Tower, when grasping her neck, she remarked, that it "was too slender to trouble the headsman much." During one part of the French Revolution, it became a fashion to leave some "mot" as a legacy; and the quantity of facetious last words spoken during that period would form a melancholy jest-book of a considerable size.

Note 11, page 62, line 12.
That closed their murder'd sage's latest day!

Socrates drank the hemlock a short time before sunset (the