Page:The History of the American Indians.djvu/463

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��THOUGH Great Britain hath been many years hwefted with the Mifli- fipi-pofiTeflions, and which (he purchafed at a very high price ; little hath been done to improve them. Every friend to his country and man kind, muft wi(h adminiftration to pay a due regard to the ineftitnable va lue of the American colonies which is beft done in engaging the colo- nifts, by wife and prudent conduct, to exert themfelves to promote her intereft in the fame manner they faithfully did, till arbitrary power afiailed their maritime ports, to their grief, and her own immenfe lofs. la proportion as a mother loves, or hates her children, and ftrives to make them either happy or referable, they in the fame degree wiil exert their endeavours to make a fuitable return*

Whatever fcheme is unjuft, it is unwife in ftatefmen to form, or at tempt to put in execution. Inftinct moves the brutal creation to defend their young ones and property at the peril of their lives. The virtue of Britons will not allow them to do lefs for themfelves and their children. As Britim legiflators muft be convinced that honefty is the beft policy, it is to be hoped they will ftudioufly apply themfelves to promote the general good of their fellow-fubjccls, and engage the northern colonifts cheerfully to bend their force in fupplying Great Britain with fuch ftaple commodities

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