Page:The Life and Correspondence of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock - 1847.djvu/16

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xii eomemrs. S A _ A tract from Quarterly Review, and Lieutenant HalI’s Travels-Q

 , 1 S 7. Brief extracts from various authors—8. Council of condolence-
 i 9. Monument in St. Paul’s cathedral-—-10. A Huron chief’s surprise

on seeing this monument--11. Address of the Commons of Upper p S Canada to the Prince Regent-12. Grants of Provincial Legislature A S 7 I A for monument—13. Re-interment described-14. Dickens’ American A notes . ........ . . . ........ . . . . . .... . .......................... ; . J, 437 A SECTION II.-AMERICAN AUTHORS. 1. Jefferson’s correspondence-2. General Hu1l’s revolutionary ser- vices-·3. Letter from Captain Wool—Batt1e of Queenstown-—Hu11’s A army at Detroit .... . .......................... . .... . ........ . . . . . 458 I APPENDIX B. A _ Daniel De Lisle Brock, Esq. . ........ . . . . ...... . .......... . . . .... . . . 463 A p APPENDIX C.

 p Lieutenant E. William Tupper, R. N .... . ................. . ......... 472

S Colonel W. De Vic Tupper, Chilian service ...... . ............ . . . . 477 CORRIGENDA. S S 9 A Page 22, line S, for 1790, ¢·cad_1791. 1 CS ‘ I f A _ » ,, 144, ,, 19,for 1811, ·reczd°’l812. _,_ I A _ ,, 191, ,, 16, for 18th of July, read»10th of July. `

 ,, 223, for Chapter VIII, read Chapter X. S
 A ,, 246, ,, 5, for Giveins, read Givens. A S ~
  • ,, 334, ,, 34, for 16 killed, read 18 killed. A S S

» ip ,, 367, ,, 14, after seamen, add supported, by four guns and 600 I A Indians. _ r A i,l` ` A » _ ,, 414, foot note, for inverrted, aeadinverted. S i»S, i A S

 » ,, 434-36, head line, fer Appendix A, Section 1, read Life and Corresp

` 7 Y pondence of. I _ I

  • _ p N. B.-—The name of Procter to be spelt throughout Procter.
 A i , A Page 281, additional foot n0te. ———-·~Mr, Russell was the American chargé
 A r I d’uj7?¢ires in London. S A S