Page:The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy - 1729 - Volume 1.djvu/391

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Sect. XIII.
of Natural Philopoſophy.

Cor. 1. Hence if the forces of the points decreaſe in the duplicate ratio of the diſtances, that is, if FK be as , and therefore the area AHIKL as ; the attraction of the corpuſcle P towards the circle will be as ; that is, as .

Cor. 2. And univerſally if the forces of the points at the diſtances D be reciprocally as any power , of the diſtances; that is, if FK be as , and therefore the area AHIKL as ; the attraction of the corpuſcle P towards the circle will be as .

cor. 3. And if the diameter of the circle be increaſed in infinitum, and the number n be greater than unity; the attraction of the corpuſcle P towards the whole infinite plane will be reciprocally as becauſe the other term vaniſhes.