Page:The Oak.djvu/142

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teeth of which project some distance up and surround a trifid stigma (Figs. 33 and 34, c). One of the lobes of the perigone will be found opposite to the bract; the three lobes of the stigma are superposed on three alternate (outer) lobes of the perigone.

Fig. 32.—A, Flowering twig and inflorescences, male (♂), and female (♀), semi-diagrammatic. B, Diagram of plan of a similar but lateral twig. F. Leaf from axil of which the twig arises: x, parent stem; α and β, bracts. The numbers 1-11 denote pairs of stipules acting as budscales, some with male inflorescences (♂) springing from between them; the continued numbers 12-21 also denote pairs of stipules, but these have their accompanying leaves, with or without female inflorescences (♀) in the axils. (Eichler.)

There is yet a further covering to the female flower. The somewhat irregular margins of a minute cup-like investment are to be seen arising from beneath and around the perigone: this is the scaly cupula, the future "cup" in which the "acorn" is inserted (Fig. 34, m).

If the young female flower is carefully bisected longi-