Page:The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 (1890).djvu/154

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whose departure, the gods began to bende their indignation and difpleafure vpon him, because he thoughte himselfe the happieft man aliue. Long time after, Craefus receyuing courage and com sort from Apollo at Delphos, attempted warres against Cyrus kinge of Persia, who in those warres was ouerthrowen, and taken prisoner after he had raigned xiiii. yeares, and was broughte by the Perfians to Cyrus. Then Cyrus caused a ftacke of woode to be piled vp, and Craefus fettred with giues, was fet vpon the fame : who then remembring the saying of Solon, that no liuing man was blefTed, or in all pointes happie, cried out in lamentable wyfe, " Solon ! Solon ! Solon !" which Cyrus hearing, caused his interpre ters to demaund of him, what the fame Solon was. Craefus with much difficultie toulde what he was, and declared all the talke be- twene him and Solon. Wherof when Cyrus heard the report, he acknowledged himselfe to be also a man, and sore repented that he went about to burne him, which was equal vnto him in honour and riches, confeffing nothing to be ftable and certaine in the life of man. Wherupon he commaunded the fire to be taken awaye, which then began to flame. And so with much a doe, he was deliuered. Then Cyrus afked him, who gaue him counfaile to inuade his countrie, to make his frende his soe. " Euen my selfe (saide Crae fus) through vnhappie fate, by the perfwafion of the Greekifh God which gaue me counfaile, to make warres vpon thee : for there is no man so madde, that had rather desire warre then peace. for in peace sonnes burie their fathers, but in warres, fa thers burie their children. But that these thinges be come to pafle, I maye thancke the deuil's good grace." Afterward Cyrus intertain- ed him very honourablie, and vsed his counfell, which he sound very holsome and good.