Page:The Pilgrim Cookbook.djvu/56

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on top, and edge with, sliced egg, hard boiled. This dish can be made in the morning and served any time during the day.—Mrs. A. Steging.

Tongue Salad.

Boil, skin, trim and slice, then cut in dice 1 fresh beef tongue. Add the whites of 6 hard boiled eggs, and 3 stalks of celery cut in small pieces, mix thoroughly with cream dressing and serve.

Cream Dressing.—Beat the yolks of 2 eggs and work smooth with 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon mustard, 8 tablespoons olive oil, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, a dash of cayenne pepper, and lastly 1 cup well whipped cream.—Mrs. A. Piepho.

Stuffed Tomato Salad.

After skinning tomatoes, scoop out insides and chop with chicken livers or chicken meat, black walnuts, celery, onions, mayonnaise, pepper and salt. Stuff the tomatoes and garnish with stiff mayonnaise.—Alicia K. Steinholf.

Waldorf Salad.

One quart chopped apples, 1 quart chopped celery, and 1 cup walnuts. Mix with this dressing: yolks of 4 eggs, butter size of an egg, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon mustard flour, a little cayenne, ½ cup vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar. Stir all well, put on stove to thicken, but don't let boil. When thick add 1 cup whipped cream, and mix with salad.—Mrs. Mandel Z.

Waldorf Salad.

One cup diced apples, 1 cup celery cut fine, 1 cup grape-nuts. Mix apples and celery with fruit salad dressing at once to prevent discoloration. Add grape-nuts and place on ice until serving time.—Mrs. H. A. Zorn.

Sunday Night Salad.

Cut cold roast veal in ½-inch cubes, there should be 2 cups; wash and scrape celery and cut in thin slices, there should be