Page:The White House Cook Book.djvu/256

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spoonfuls of mixed parsley, onion, chives, shallots and a few leaves each of sorrel and chevril, minced fine and stirred into the beaten eggs before cooking. It will take a little more butter to fry it than a plain one.


BEAT up three eggs, and add to them a tablespoonful of milk and a tablespoonful of grated cheese ; add a little more cheese before fold- ing ; turn it out on a hot dish ; grate a little cheese over it before serv^ ing.


BOIL with a little salt, and until about half cooked, eight or ten stalks of asparagus, and cut the eatable part into rather small pieces ; beat the egg and mix the asparagus with them. Make the omelet as above directed. Omelet with parsley is made by adding a little chopped parsley.


PEEL a couple of tomatoes, w r hich split into four pieces; remove the seeds and cut them into small dice ; then fry them with a little but- ter until nearly done, adding salt and pepper. Beat the eggs and mix the tomatoes with them, and make the omelet as usual. Or stew a few tomatoes in the usual way and spread over before folding.


CUT in slices and place in a stewpan six peeled tomatoes; add a tablespoonful of cold water, a little pepper and salt. When they begin to simmer, break in six eggs, stir well, stirring one way, until the eggs are cooked, but not too hard. Serve warm.


TAKE a cup of cold boiled rice, turn over it a cupful of warm milk, add a tablespoonful of butter melted, a level teaspoonf ul of salt, a dash of pepper; mix well, then add three well-beaten eggs. Put a table- spoonful of butter in a hot frying pan, and when it begins to boil pour in the omelet and set the pan in a hot oven. As soon as it is cooked through, fold it double, turn it out on a hot dish, and serve at once. Very good.

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