Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/245

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The Four Ages of Ma 71. 159

If happinefs my fordidnefs hath found,

'Twas in the Crop of my manured ground.

My thriving Cattle and my new-milch-Cow,

My fleeced Sheep, and fruitful farrowing Sow: '"

To greater things I never did afpire,

My dunghil thoughts or hopes could reach no higher.

If to be rich or great it was my fate.

How was I broyl'd with envy and with hate.^

Greater then was the great'ft was my delire,

And thirll for honour, fet my heart on fire : -^

And by Ambition's^ fails I was fo carried,

That over Flats and fands, and Rocks I hurried,

Oppreft and funk, and ftav'd " all in my way

That did oppofe me, to my longed Bay.

My thirft was higher then nobility,

I oft long'd fore to tafh on Royalty:

Then Kings muft be deposed or put to flight,

I might poflefs that Throne which was their right;"

There fet, I rid my felf ftraight out of hand

Of fuch Competitors, as might in time withfl;and.*

'«< Mv fatted Oxe, and my exuberous Cow, My fleeced Ewe, and ever farr owing Sow.

^ And greater ftil, did fet my heart on fire.

If honour was the point, to which I fteer'd ;

To run my hull upon difgrace I fear'd. y But by ambitious. 2 fa6t.

« Instead of this and the preceding line, the first edition has, —

Whence poyfon, Piftols, and dread inftruments,

Have been curd furtherers of mine intents.

Nor Brothers, Nephewes, Sons, nor Sires I've fpar'd,

When to a Monarchy, my way they barr'd.

  • Of fuch as might mv fon, or his withftand.

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