Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/382

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296 Anne Bradjlreefs Works.

Perdiccas in his pride did ill intreat

Python of haughty mind, and courage great.

Who could not brook lb great indignity, [i^S]

But of his wrongs his friends doth certifie;

The fouldiers 'gainft Perdiccas they incenfe.

Who vow to make this captain recompence,

And in a rage they rulli into his tent/

Knock out his brains: to Ptole7ny then went

And offer him his honours, and his place,

With ftile of the Prote6tor, him to grace/

Next day into the camp came Ptolemy^

And is receiv'd of all moft joyfully.

Their proffers he refus'd with modefty,

Yields them to Python for his courtefie.^

With what he held he was now more^ content,

Then by more trouble to grow eminent.

Now comes there news of a great vi6lory

That Eumenes got of the other three.

Had it but in Verdiccas life ariv'd,

With greater joy it would have been receiv'd.

Thus Vtolemy rich Egypt did retain,

And python turn'd to AJia again.

Whilft Verdiccas encamp'd in Affrica,

Antigonus did enter Afia,

d Instead of this and the six preceding lines, the first edition has, — Pit/ioti, next Perdtcas, a Captaine high, Being entreated by him fcornfullj, Some of the Souldiers enters Perdicds tent,

e would hitn grace; / Confers them Pitkoii on, for's courtefie ;

g well. ^'^ thus ftaid.

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