Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/74

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tioned the Fame with which the Poems of one defcended from him have been Celebrated in both Englands. If the rare Learn- ing of a Danghter^ was not the leafl of thofe bright things that adorn'd no lefs a Judge of England than Sir Thomas More ; it must now be said, that a Judge of JVew England^ namely, TJiomas Diidley^ Esq ; had a Daiighter (befides other Children) to be a CroivJi unto him. Reader, America juftly admires the Learned Women of the other Hemifphere. She has heard of thofe that were Tittorejfes to the Old Profeflbrs of all Philofophy : She hath heard of Hippatia^ who formerly taught the Liberal Arts ; and of Sarocchia, who more lately was very often the Modera- trix in the Difputations of the Learned Men of Rome: She has been told of the Three Corinme's^ which equall'd, if not ex- cell'd, the mofl Celebrated Poets of their Time. She has been told of the Emprefs Eudocla^ who Compofed Poetical Para- phrafes on Divers Parts of the Bible ; and of Rofuida^ who wrote the Lives of Holy Men ; and of Pamphilia, who wrote other Hiftories unto the Life : The Writings of the most Re- nowned Anna Alaria Schtirnian^ have come over unto her. But fhe now prays, that into fuch Catalogues of Authorejfes^ as Beverovicius^ Uottinger^ and Voetius^ have given unto the World, there may be a room now given unto Madam ^iin 93ratiftrcet, the Daughter of our Governour Dudley^ and the Confort of our Governour Bradllreet, whofe Poetns, divers times Printed, have afforded a grateful Entertainment unto the Ingenious, and a Monument for her Memory beyond the State- lieft Marbles." *

Six years after her death, in 1678, the second edition of her "Poems" was brought out in Boston, f being one of the earliest volumes of poems printed in America. It was the work of John Foster, who had set up a press in

  • Magnalia, Bk. ii. p. 17.

t See pages v, vii-viii, Si ct seq.

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