Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/12

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To the Reader.

I Do not doubt but the Title of our Book of Occult Philoſophy, or of Magick, may by the rarity of it allure many to read it, amongſt which, ſome of a craſie judgement, and ſome that are perverſe will come to hear what I can ſay, who by their raſh ignorance may take the name of Magick in the worſe ſenſe, and though ſcarce having ſeen the title, cry out that I teach forbidden Arts, ſow the ſeed of Hereſies, offend pious ears, and ſcandalize excellent wits; that I am a ſorcerer, and ſuperſtitious, and divelliſh, who indeed am a Magician: to whom I anſwer, that a Magician doth not amongſt learned men ſignifie a ſorcerer, or one that is ſuperſtitious, or divelliſh; but a wiſe man, a prieſt, a prophet; and that the Sybils were Magicianeſſes, & therefore prophecyed moſt cleerly of Chriſt; and that Magicians, as wiſe men, by the wonderful ſecrets of the world, knew Chriſt the author of the world to be born, and came firſt of all to worſhip him; and that the name of Magicke was received by Phyloſophers, commended by Divines, and not unacceptable to the Goſpel. I believe that the ſupercilious cenſors will object againſt the Sybils; holy Magicians, and the
