Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/270

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Whatever may be the mysteries of life and death, there is one mystery which the cross of Christ reveals to us, and that is the infinite and absolute goodness of God. Let all the rest remain a mystery so long as the mystery of the cross of Christ gives us faith for all the rest.

Let me, O my God, stifle forever in my heart every thought that would tempt me to doubt Thy goodness. I know that Thou canst not but be good. O merciful Father, let me no longer reason about grace, but silently abandon myself to its operation.


His goodness stands approved,
     Unchanged from day to day;
I'll drop my burden at His feet,
     And bear a song away.

God's treasury where He keeps His children's gifts will be like many a mother's store of relics of her children, full of things of no value to others, but precious in His eyes for the love's sake that was in them.


God's highest gifts—talent, beauty, feeling, imagination, power—they carry with them the possibility of the highest heaven and the lowest hell. Be sure that it is by that which is highest in you that you may be lost.

When He bears us along in His tender and paternal bosom, then it is that we forget Him; in the sweetness of His gifts we forget the Giver; His ceaseless blessings, instead of melting us into love, distract our attention, and turn it away from Him.