Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/537

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And is not this a great salvation, great in its simplicity, great in its comprehensiveness, which thus meets the every necessity of the guilty and helpless; and which, arranged for creatures whom it finds in the lowest degradation, leaves them not till elevated to the very summit of dignity?

Joseph Hart was by the free and sovereign grace and Spirit of God raised up from the depths of sin and delivered from the bonds of mere profession and self-righteousness, and led to rest entirely for salvation in the finished atonement and perfect obedience of Christ.

Old English Epitaph.

It is God's purpose to save—to save His people from their sins, to purge out of them all hypocrisy, falsehood, injustice, and make of them honest men, true men, just men—men created anew after His likeness. And this is the meaning of His salvation; and is the only salvation worth having, for this life or the life to come.


Sanctification is the work of God's free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness.

Westminster Catechism.

Can we doubt that God acts immediately in the soul? that He so acts as to make it die to self? that, after having subdued the grosser passions, He attacks all the subtle resources of self-love within, especially in those souls who have without reserve delivered themselves up to the operations of His grace?