Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/570

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It is a bad sign when a new-born babe has not lungs enough to make itself heard over the whole house. It is equally a bad symptom when the new convert is born dumb, and cannot find his voice to praise God audibly.


It is for all who are personally united to Christ to cultivate a contemplative and sanctified spirit. So far from being secular and sordid, they should be sacred and spiritual, having their lives hid with Christ in God, and their whole natures absorbed in the knowledge and love and service of the Saviour.

As a dead man cannot inherit an estate, no more can a dead soul inherit heaven. The soul must be resurrected in Christ.

The contemplation of celestial things will make a man both speak and think more sublimely and magnificently when he descends to human affairs.



There will be and can be no rest till we admit, what cannot be denied, that there is in man a third faculty, which I call simply the faculty of apprehending the Infinite, not only in religion, but in all things; a power independent of sense and reason, a power in a certain sense contradicted by sense and reason; but yet, I suppose, a very real power, if we see how it has held its own from the beginning of the world—how neither sense nor reason has been able to overcome it, while it alone is able to overcome both reason and sense.