Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/399

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IHould take the low road by Foggora and Dara, there to join the troops of Begemder and Amhara, crofs the Nile at the mouth of the lake, above the fecond cataract, as it is called, and march thence ftraight to Bure, which, by fpeedy march- es, might be done in five or fix days. No refolution was ever embraced with more alacrity ; the caufe of the Agows was the caufe of Gondar, or famine would elfe immediate- ly follow. The king's troops and thofe of Michael were all ready, and had juft refrelhed themfelves by a week's feftivity.

Gusho and PowufTen, after having fworn to Michael that they never would return without Fafil's head, decamped next morning with very different intentions in their hearts ; for no fooner had they reached Begemder than they entered into a confpiracy in form againfl Michael, which they had long meditated ; they had refolved to make peace with Fafil, and fwear with him a folemn league, that they were but to have one caufe, one council, and one intereft, till they had deprived Michael of his life and dignity. The plan was, that, in hopes to join with them, the army fhould pafs by Dara and the mouth of the lake, as aforefaid, between that lake, called the lake of Dembea, on the north fide, and an- other fmall lake, which feems formerly to have been part of the great one, and is called Court-ohha ; on the fouth is the village of Derdera, and the church of St Michael. Here - was to be the fcene of action ; as foon as Michael advanced to Derdera, Gufho and PowufTen were to clofe him behind on the north ; Fafil, from Maitfha, was to appear on his front from the fouth, whilft, between Court-ohha and the lake, in the midfl of thefe three armies, Michael was to lofe his liberty or his life. The fecret was profoundly kept, though known by many ; but every one was employed in
