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12mo, cloth, $1.50.

"Mr. Henry James has produced no more clever and subtle work than it to be found in his latest volume. . . . There are in these tales passages of splendid realism. The portrait of Geoffrey Dowling is a masterpiece of characterization. And there are sentences, unobtrusive asides, which flash with the brilliancy of true wit."—New York Tribune.

"Mr. James's writings are distinctively works of art. One and all of them appeal most strongly to cultivated minds. In no instance does he descend from his transcendent ideals of literature. An acquaintance with Henry James means an appreciation of the finer style of written English, and an inhalation of the atmosphere of purest English literature. No list of books for the summer will be complete without 'Embarrassments.'"—Cambridge Press.

12mo, cloth, $1.50.

"The characters are original and well drawn. The incidents are natural and clearly described. The dialogues are crisp and to the point. Neither of 'padding' nor a vulgar sensationalism is there any trace. A most meritorious work, then, and one which can hardly fail to add to the author's reputation."—New York Herald.

"'The Other House' shows Henry James at his best. That best is a putting into words of an exquisite comprehension of motives and shades of thought, a magic grasp of character variations, a bringing to the surface of hidden nerve fibres ever unsuspected yet tremendously potent."—Chicago Daily News.