Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1037

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CONSULAR CONVENTION WITH FRANCE. FEB. 23, 1853. 993 the United States and France, shall nommés par la France et les Etats be reciprocally received and recog- Unis seront reciproquement admis nized, on the presentation of their et reconnus, en presentant leurs commissions, in the form establish- provisions sous la forme établie ed in their respective countries. dans les pays respectifs. On leur The necessary exequatur for the delivrera, sans aucun frais, l’exeexercise of their functions shall be quatur necessaire a l’exercice de furnished to them without charge; leurs fonctions, et sur Yexhibition and on the exhibition of this exe- de cet exéquatur, les autorités terquatur, they shall be admitted at ritoriales, federales, ou d’Etat, judionce, and without difficulty, by the eiaries et `aclministratives des ports, territorial authorities, federal or villes et lieux de leur residence et State, judicial or executive, of the arrondissernent consulaire les y feports, cities, and places of their ront jouir aussitot et sans difhculte residence and district, to the enjoy- des prerogatives accordees reciprornent of the prerogatives recipro- quement. Le gouvernement, qui cally granted. The government accorde Yexéquatur, aura la faculte that furnishes the exequatur re- de le retirer en indiquant les moserves the right to withdraw it on a tifs, pour les quels il juge convena— statement of the reasons for which ble de le faire. it has thought proper to do so. Anrrorn II. Amston: II. The consuls general, consuls, Les consuls generaux, consuls, Immunities vice-consuls, or consular agents of vice—consuls ou agents consulaires Qld P*l:{l°g8‘;“ the United States and France, shall Francais et des Etats Unis, joui-° com S' c' enjoy in the two countries the pri- ront, dans les deux pays, des privivileges usually accorded to their of- leges generalement attribues at leurs fices, such as personal immunity, ex- fonctions, tels que Yimmunite percept in the case of crime, exemption sonnelle, hormis le cas de crime, from military billetings, from ser- l’exemption des logemens militaires, vice in the militia or the national du service de la milioe ou de la guard, and other duties of the same garde nationale et autres charges nature; and from all direct and per- de la meme nature, et cello de tousonal taxation, whether federal, tes les contributions directes et per- State, or municipal. If, however, sonnelles, federales d’Etat, ou muthe said consuls general, consuls, nicipales: si toutefois les dits convice-consuls, or consular agents, are suls generaux, consuls, vice-eonsuls citizens of the country in which ou agents consulaires étaient cito they reside; if they are, or become, yens du pays de leur residence, s’ils owners of property there, or engage y etaient ou y devenaient propriein commerce, they shall be subject taires, ou qu’ils y fissent le comto the same taxes and imposts, and meroe, ils seraient soumis, sous le with the reservation of the treat- benéfice du traitement accorde aux ment granted to commercial agents, agents commerciaux, a la meme juto the same jurisdiction, as other ridiction que les autres citoyens du citizens of the country who are pays proprietaires ou commercants, owners of property, or merchants. et aux memes taxes et impositions que ceux-ci. They may place on the outer Ils pourront placer, au dessus de door of their offices, or of their la porte exterieure de leurs chandwelling-houses, the arms of their cclleries ou de leurs rnaisons d’hanation, with an inscription in these bitation, un tableau aux armes de words: “Consul of the United leur nation avec une inscription por- States,” or “Consul of France;" tant ces motsz Consul_de·Fra¤c@, and they shall be allowed to hoist ou Consul des Etats Unis: xls pourthe flag of their country thereon. ront aussi y arborer le drapeau de leur pays. von. x. TREAT. -— 125