Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1045

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TREATY WITH ARGENTINE CONF EDERATION. JULY 10, 1853. 1001 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. July 10, 1858. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a Treaty, between the United States of America and the Argentine Confederation, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries, at San José de Flores, ou the tenth day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-three; which treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages, is, word for word, as follows : ·- Treaty for the Free Navigation of Tratado para la Libre Navegacion the Rivers Parana and Uruguay, de los Rios Parané. y Uruguay, between the United States and entre la Confederacion Argentina the Argentine Confederation. y los Estados Unidos. The President of the United E1Excelentisimo Sefior Director Preamble. States and his Excellency the Pro- Provisorio de la Confederacion Arvisional Director of the Argentine gentina y el Presidente de los Esta- Confederation, being desirous of dos Unidos, deseando estrechar los strengthening the bonds of friend- vinculos de amistad que tan felizship which so happily subsist be- mente existen entre sus Estados y tween their respective States and paises respectivos, y convencidos que countries, and convinced that the de ningun modo podrian mejor alsurest means of arriving at this re- canzar ese resultado que tomando de sult is to take in concert all the comun acuerdo todas las medidas measures requisite for facilitating propias a facilitar y desarrollar las and developing commercial rela- relaciones comerciales, han resuelto tions, have resolved to determine fijar por un tratado las condiciones by treaty the conditions of the free de la libre navegacion de los rios navigation of the Rivers Parana Parana y Paraguay, y apartar asi and Uruguay, and thus to remove los obstaculos que hasta ahora han the obstacles which have hitherto embarazado esta navegacion. impeded this navigation. With this object they have named Con ese objeto han nombrado por as their plenipotentiaries, that is to sus plenipotenciarios, é saber-· el say ——¤ the President of the United Excelentisimo Sefior Director Pro- States, Robert C. Schenck, Envoy visorio de la Confederacion Argen- _ Extraordinary and Minister Pleni— tina a. los Seiiores Doctor Don Sal- N°8°*·”’·*°¤· potentiary of the United States to vador Maria del Carril, y el Doctor Brazil, and John S. Pendleton, Don José Benjamin Gorostigga; y Charge d’Aifaires of the United el Presidente de10sEstados nidos States to the Argentine Confedera- 6. Robert C. Schenck, Enviado Extion; and his Excellency the Pro- traordinario y Ministro Plenipotenvisional Director of the Argentine ciario de los Estados Unidos al Bra- Confederation, Doctor Don Salva- sil, y a John S. Pendleton, Encardor Maria del Carril, and Doctor gado de Negocios de los Estados Don José Benjamin Gorostiaga; Unidos é la Confederacion Argenwho, after having communicated to tina; quienes, despues de haberse each other their full powers, found comunicado sus plenos poderes y in good and due form, have agreed hallado los en buenaydebida forma, upon the following articles:-- han convenido en los articulos siguieutes:—- v01.. x. Tamar.-126 ·