Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1050

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1006 TREATY WITH ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. JULY 27, 1853. Perpetual between the United States and their Confederacion Argentina. y sus ciu- “miW· citizens on the one part, and the Ar- dadanos por una. parte, y los Estagentine Confederation and its citi- dos Unidos y sus ciudadanos por la zens on the other part. otra parte. ARTICLE II. Anrrcnro II. Reciprocal There shall be between all the Habra una libertad reciproca de giiggm °f °°m‘ territories of the United States and comercio entre todos los territories ` all the territories of the Argentine de la Confederacion Argentina y Confederation a reciprocal freedom todos los territorios de los Estados _?1"<>l¤¤li<>¤_ of of commerce. The citizens of the Unidos. Los ciudadanos de ambos §Q;{z°m’ sh]Ps’ two countries, respectively, shall paises podranlibrementeycon toda have liberty, freely and securely, seguridad ir con sus buquesycargas to come with their ships and car- a todos aquellos parages, puertos y goes to all places, ports, and rivers, rios en sus respectivos territories, at in the territories of either, to which donde sea 6 fuese permitido llegar a other foreigners, or the ships or los buqueso cargas de cualquier otra cargoes of any other foreign nation nacion 6 estado ; podran entrar, peror State, are, or may be, permitted manecer yresidiren cualquiera parte to come; to enter into the same, de los dichos territories respectiva— and to remain and reside in any mente; podran alquilar y ocupar part thereof, respectively; to hire casasyalmacenes para su residencia and occupy houses and warehouses, y comercio; podran negociar en toda for the purposes of their residence clase de productos, manufacturas y and commerce; to trade in all kinds mercancias de comercio legal; y of produce, manufactures, and mer- gozaran en todas sus ocupaciones de chandise of lawful commerce; and la mas completa proteccion y segugenerally to enjoy, in all their busi- ridad, sujctas a las leyes generalcs y ness, the most complete protection costumbres de las dos naciones resand security, subject to the general pectivas. Los buques de guerra de laws and usages of the two coun- ambas naciones, buques correos y tries respectively. In like manner, paquetes podran asi mismo llegar Ships of war the respective ships of war, and librcmente y con toda seguridad a Mg P05E0T;: post·office or passenger packets of todos los ·puertos, rios y puntos é, ggcklgg? “° the two countries, shall have liber- donde entren 6 les sea permitido ty, freely and securely, to come to entrar at los buques de guerra 6 paall harbors, rivers, and places to quetcs de cualquiera otra nacion; which other foreign ships of war podran entrar, anelar, pcrmanecer and packets are, or may be, per- y repararse, sujetos siempre a las mitted to come; to enter into the leyesy costumbres de las dos nacisame; to anchor and remain there ones respcctivas. and refit, subject always to the laws and usages of the two countries respectively. Anrictn III. Amiouro III. uM0S, favored The two high-contracting parties Las dos altas partes contratantes, naticrwclausc. agree that any favor, exemption, convienen que cualquier favor, exprivilege, or immunity whatever, in encion, privilegio 6 inmunidad que matters of commerce or navigation, una de cllas haya concedido 6 which either of them has actually conceda mas adelante en punto é. granted, or may hereafter grant, to comercio 6 navegacion alos ciudathe citizens or subjects of any other danos 6 subditos de cualquier otro government, nation, or State, shall gobierno, nacion, 6 estado, sera. extend, in identity of cases and estensivo en igualdad de cases y circumstances, to the citizens of the circunstancias a los ciudadanos de other contracting party, gratuitously, la otra parte contratante, y gratuite-