Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/333

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THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 110. 1854. 313 except as herein otherwise provided: Provided, That no lcttcr or letters Proviso. or other mailablc [matter] shall be delivered by any postmaster to said carriers, unless requested in writing by the person or persons to whom said letters or other mailablc matter may be directed. S20. 2. And be itfurtfzer enacted, That each and every letter-canicr Letter-carrier route which may be established under the provisions of this act, shall be "°“;_°“ d‘;:'“°d deemed a poswoutc during its continuance ; and the provisions contained POS wu s` in the ninth, tenth, clcvcuth, twelfth, and fifteenth sections of an act cntitled “An act to reduce the rates of postage, to limit the use and correct PM of the the abuse of the franking privilege, and for the prevention of frauds on Qgmagg the revenues of the Post-Office Depa1~tment," approved March third, ub, z;pplicd’t»o ° eighteen hundred and forty-five, and the fifth and eighth sections of an Wd ¥“*°'·°***`· act entitled "An act to establish certain post-1·0ads,and for other pur- mU°um' p¤ses," approved August thirty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, are hereby made applicable to said 1etter—carrier routes. Sm. 3. And be it further enacted, That the 1’0stmastc1=Gcncral bc, Dead Ietwm and he is hereby, authorized to cause the dead letters which may accu- fg b° 'tfo*‘g“°*? mulate in the p0st·0i’fice,s in said State and Territories after the thirticth Sa_£°§,,nc§:,°u}_ day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, to be their disposalreturned in periods not less than quuter-yearly to the post;-oifice at San Francisco, to be there opened and examined under the direction of the postmaster of that officc, who shall, according to such regulations as the Postmastcr—Gencra1 may prescribe, return to the Post-Oflicc Department such of said letters as shall be found to contain money, valuable papers, or matters of consequence, to be disposed of according to 1s.w,and destroy such letters as shall be found to contain nothing of value: Provideah how- Pygvigo, ever, That no dead lcttcr shall be opened which the postal arrangements of the United States with foreign countries require to be returned uuopened 1:0 such countries respectively. S20. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster-Gcuera.1 may compensation allow to the postmastcrs in said State and Territories from the first day of postmsmters of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, such sums out of the *3;:; hl? 1- pcstages collected at their respective offices as wil1, in addition to the ° commissions, allowances, and cmoluments, be sufficicut be defray the actual and necessary expenses of their officcs. Sm. 5. And be it further enacted, That the P0SEm8JSt€1‘-GCHCTZI be, Compensation and he is hereby, authorized and directed, in the settlement of the ac- §£r§?:*"F§f;.;Qf counts of postmastcrs in the State of California and Territory of Oregon, July E185g_ serving as such previous to the thirtieth of June, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-three, to allow to such postmastcrs all just and reasonable cxpcnscs incurred by them in and about the business of their respective ofHccs and the discharge of their official duties: Provided, That no P;-oviso. allowance shall be made whereby the United States shall be charged with any indebtedness whatsoever. A1>1>1z0v1:1>, July 27, 1854. Can-. CX.- An Act to ascertain and ad’ the Tides to certain Lands in the State J¤1Y27· 1854- <V’ [diana- 1855, ch. 97. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ~* States of America in Oongrass assembled, That the register and receiver Commission of the land-office at Vincennes, together with a Et and proper person, constituted: learned in the law, and a. citizen of Indiana., to be appointed by the Pre- °°’“m‘”‘°"°”· sidenh of the United States, arc hereby constituted commissioners to ascertain and adjust the title of any claimant to any tract of land, or any Extent0f the part 01- subdivision thereof, granted by the resolve of Congress of the g;;';§df° b° °x‘ twenty-ninth of August, seventeen hundred and eighty-eight, and the act 1791, eh_ 2y_ of the third of March, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An 1804, <=hh¤3.085- act for granting lands to the inhabitants and settlers at Vincennes, and igggghjgéj vox., x. PUB. -—- 40