Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/774

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734 THIRTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 73, 76, 79, S2. 1852. July 21, 1852. Ch..u·. LXXIII.—An Actjbr the Rdi%";)L1the¢;1Execz¢tors and Heirs of T/wma; Fletcher, ——-—--— s . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the The executors United States of America in Oongress assembled, That William M. Sud-

%‘;rrf;;*;l€?;`her duth and Henry Daniel, surviving executors, and Felix M. Fletcher,

discharged from David W. Fletcher, John Fletcher, and Margaret Washington (late Mm-- a certain bond. garet Fletcher) heirs of Thomas Fletcher, deceased, be, and hereby are released and forever discharged from a certain penal bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, payable to the United States, cxccutcd by the said Thomas Fletcher as one of the securities of Cary Nichols, on the twenty-eighth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. Approved, July 21, 1852. July 30, 1852. CHAP. LXXVI.-An Act for §%eatReZiq7`/pugé the legal Representatives of James (1 ——i—~— Son, 0 corgta. .341 it enacted by the. Seaate and House of Representatives of the $14_60O1With United States of America m Ucngress assembled, That the Treasurer interest, from of the United States pay to the legal representatives of General James g£“g'ni§ tgigtrgf C. Watson, late of the State of Georgia, deceased, fourteen thousand six presenmuvcs of hundred dollars, with six per cent. interest per annum from the eighth g¤¤“}¤:¤ James of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, till paid, out of any money in ‘ ” “°"‘ the treasury not otherwise appropriated, being the amount paid by him, under the sanction of the Indian agent, to certain Creek warriors for slaves captured by said warriors, while they were in the service of the United States against the Seminole Indians in Florida. Approved, July 30, 1852. August 2, 1852. CHAP. LXXIX.—-An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘fAn Act to incorporate the W`ashz`n_q.

 ton Gas-light Company," approved July czghth, ezg/zteen hundred and_;?>rty~e{qht.

he it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Gguarfgy tgslhle (gutted Staiesnof America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled pgny gmmdcdl An act to tncorporate the WVashingt0n Gas—11ght C0mpany,"app1·0vcd July eighth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, bc, and the same is hereby 1854, ¤1¤.ss,91z.amcnded by inserting in the second section, immediately before the word “fifty," the words "three hundred cmd;" and in the seventh section, wherever the word "Washington" occurs, by inserting immediately thereafter the words"mzd Gaorgc¢a·wn." Approved, August 2, 1852. August 16, 1g5g_ Crum. LXXXII.-11n Act for the Relief of Sczgeant Leonard Skinner. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mmm), bmmy United States of America in Uzmgress assembled, That the Secretary of land wvurrant to the Interior cause to be issued to Leonard Skinner, late sergeant in €;P;;;_·L°°¤¤¤d Captain Newt0n’s company (B) of the United States regiment of Mounted Riflemcn, a military bounty land warrant for one hundred and sixty acres of land; and that the proper accounting officers of the treasury bc, and they are hereby directed and required to adjust his His accounts to accounts and pay the same in the same manner as if he had been of age b¤ ¤<11¤St¢d and and regularly discharged by military authority. Paid' Approved, August 16, 1852.