Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/775

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THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 83, 84, 86, 88. 1852. 735 (jmp. LXXXIII. An Aoi jbr the Religf ¢y`Mmmnu0z B. Hart, Jael Kelly, and Ml- August 16. 1852. [adn; O/csc, Securztzes jbr the late Bmyamin FC Hart, a Parser in the United States j··i···· A. Be it enacted by Me Senate and House of Representatives ey" the Umm! States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper ae- Adjushneut of Counting omccrs of the treasury be, and they are hereby autlxorized fft‘;°“1§‘;’-gf and directed in the adjustment of the account of the lute purser Banjo.- jamin F. Hag. min F. I·Iart, to credit him with the amount of the loss of his private stores occasioned by the wreck of the United States ship Concord, to which he was attached, as nearly as the same can be ascertained; and, also, with the (HH.C1`€l1CG between the amount of public stores received by him as purscr of the said vessel and the aggregate amount of those issued and those which came to the hands of his successor; and to make such other allowances as the said accounting officers may deem equitable under the circumstances of the case: Provided, however, That the said P1‘¤Vi¤¤- credits and allowances shall not cxcccd the balance which was found due to the United States upon the last settlement of the account of said purscr. APPROVED, August 16, 1852. Cu,x1·. LXXXIV. An Act for the R;li3f of the Heirs of Scmowe, u jhendly (Heck August 16, 1852. N ZGTL. "`i"'1‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the I/$zz'ted States of America in Uongress assembled, That the children and Accrwin mph hcirs of Scmoicc, deceased, a. Crcék Indian, to wit.; Hctty Dcas, Vicy tf Y°°€1“‘ _ _ _ _ _ p 0 m 10 Foxy, and Elizabeth Scmoxcc, be and are hereby vested with 21 txt1c m 1w1;·sors¤m0m, fcc-simple, to fractional section twenty-three, township four, range two cast, containing six hundred and two acres and fifLy—three hundredths of am acre, being the same land selected and entered by the said Scmoice, 1m<I<»r and by virtue of sm act approved second July, eightccn hundred 1836, uh. 333. and thirty-six, entitled "An Act for the relief of Samuel Smith, Lynn Mac Ghcc, and Scmoicc, friendly Creek Indians : “Provided, That this P"°"‘S°‘ act shall not be construed to defeat or prejudice the legal claim, if there bc any, of other persons to the said tract of land. Armzovmu, August 16, 1852. Cmxr. LXXXVI. An Act for the Rdiey'¢y”David Murphy. August 21, 1852. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ` United States q/' America in Ovngress assembled, Thai: the Secretary of David Murphy the Interior is hereby required to place the name of David Murphy on zgubgxggidrgf} the invalid pension roll, at the mtc of fivc dollars and thirty-three and at 35.33 1-3 pu one third cents per month, during life, to commence the twenty-seventh ;*;°¤;2;£'°m F°b· 0F Fubru:u·y, eighteen hundred and foz·ty-six. ’ ` A1~1>1z0v1c1>, August 21, 1852. Cxmr. LXXXVIII.-An Act far the 1?eZiq" of W?lliam P. Greene. August g5 1g5g_ Bc it cnaczed 6g the Senate and Jfousc of Representatives of the Zhaited States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of William P, the '1`rcasury bc, and he hereby is authorized to allow, in the settlement fY°°3°$;Q4b§6”1 of the accounts of the collector of the port of Providence, Rhode Island, °w° "` the sum of three hundred and twenty-four dollars and twenty-six cents, paid to William P. Greene, surveyor of the customs, for his {'ccs as mcasurcr of salt at that port, under sm appointment from the proper authority, for services rcndcrcd as such bctwccn the twenty-eighth of April, eighteen hundred and forty-uiuc, and the ninth of July, eighteen hundred and fif ty. A1>r1z0vm>, August 25, 1852.