Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/930

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886 TREATY WVITH GUATEMALA. BIARCH 3, 1849. of Guatemala may find it proper to tadosUnidos de Américaola Repub. give the ministers and public agents lica dc Guatemala ten gan por convcof any other power, shall, by the niente dispensar a los Enviados, same act, be extended to those of Ministros,yagcntes diplomaticos de each of the contracting parties. otras potencias, se haga por el mismo hecho estensivo a. los de una y otra dc las partes contratantes. Airrrenn XXVIII. Anrrouno XXVIII. Eaclrparty To make more eH`ectual the pro- Para hacer mas efectiva la progzgugpggico tection which the United States of teecion que los Estados Unidos de ccnsuis. America and the Republic of Gua- América y la Republica de Guatetemala shall afford in future to the mala daran en adelante a la navenavigation and commerce of the gacion y comercio de los ciudadacitizens of each other, they agree nos de una y otra, se convienen en to receive and admit consuls and recibir y admitir Consules y Vicevice-consuls in all the ports open to consules en todos los puertos abierforeign commerce, who shall enjoy tos al comercio estrangero, quienes in them all the rights, prerogatives, gozaran en ellos todos los derechos, and immunities of the consuls and prerogativas, é inmunidades de los Pmkmm vice-consuls of the most favored (lonsules y Vice~consules de la naplms my bcI18b10I1; each contracting party, c1on mas favorecxda(q¤1edando) no excepted. however, remaining at liberty to obstante en libertad cada parte conexcept those ports and places in tratante para esceptuar aquellos which the admission and residence puertos y lugares en que la admiof such consuls and vice-consuls sion y residencia de semejantes may not seem convenient. Consules y Vice-consules no parezca conveniente. Anrrcrn XXIX. Anrrouro XXIX. Consult, &c., In order that the consuls and Para que los Consules y Vice-

  • ° sxhiizit tha; vice-consuls of the two contracting consules de las dos partes con-

€§’;;°;?$Q°;;m parties may enjoy the rights, pre- tratantesv puedan gozar los dereearequatw-. rogatives, and immunities which chos, prerogativas, é inmunidades belong to them by their public que les corresponden por su caraccharacter, they shall, before enter- ter publico antes de cntrar en el ing on the exercise of their func- ejercicio de sus funciones, presentions, exhibit their commission or taran su comision 0 patentc cn la patent in due form to the govern- forma debida al gobierno con quien ment to which they are accredited; estén acreditados, y habiendo obteand, having obtained their cxequa- nido el excguatur, seran tenidos y mr, they shall be held and con- considerados como tales por todas sidered as such by all the author- las autoridades, majistrados, y haities, magistrates, and inhabitants in bitantes del distrito consular en que the consular district in which they residan. reside. Anrrorn XXX. Anrrcuro XXX. G<msn1¤,&c., It is likewise agreed, that the Se ha convenido igualmente, que isgeglgz S°°’°· consuls, their secretaries, officers, los Consules, sus Secretaries, ofi- ’and persons attached to the service ciales, y personas agregaclas al serof consuls, they not being citizens vicio de los Consules (no siendo of the country in which the consul estas personas ciudadanos del pais resides, shall be exempt from all en que en Consul reside) estaran public service, and also from all escentos de todo servicio publico, y kind of taxes, imposts, and contri- tambien de toda cspecic de pechos,