Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/976

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932 TREATY IVITH PERU. JULY 26, 1851. Anrxcms XIII. Anrrcuho XIII. I Qommercial The merchants, commanders, or Los negociantes, capitanes, de P'°V*¤*°¤*· masters ofvessels, and other citizens buques, y todos los ciudadanes dg of either contracting party, shall be cada una de las Partes Contratanwholly free to manage their own tes, tendran en los territories de la business and affairs, in all the ports otra plena libertad para mancjar and places within the jurisdiction por si sus negocios 6 encomendarlos of the other, or to commit their a la persona que quicran emplear business and affairs to the manage- como ajente, corredor, factor, 6 inment of any person whom they may terprete. No se les obligara zi que choose to appoint, as agent, factor, empléen personas detcrminadas paconsignee, or interpreter. They ra el desempefio dc cstos servicios, shall not be restrained in the choice ni tampoco a dar ningun salario,6 of persons to act in such capacities, remuneracion zi quien no quieran or be compelled to pay any salary ocupar. Gozaran de libertad absoor remuneration to any one whom luta, asi para consignar y vender they do not wish to employ. Ab- sus mercaderias y articulos dc cosolute freedom shall be given, as mercio, como para comprar los rewell with respect to the consign- tornos, descargar, cargar, y despament and sale of their merchandise char sus buqucs. El comprador y and articles of commerce, as to the vendedor tendran plena libertad purchase of their returns, unload- para arreglar entre si y fijar el ing, loading, and sending off their precio de cualquiera mercaneia 6 vessels. The buyer and seller shall efectos de comercio que se hayan have full liberty to bargain together de importar 6 de exportar de los and fix the price of any merchandise, territories de cualquiera de ambas or articles of commerce, imported partes contratantes observandose, into or to be exported from the ter- en todo caso los reglamentos dc ritories of either contracting party, comercio vijentes en los respectivos the regulations of commerce esta- paises. blished in the respective countries being in every case duly observed. Anricrn XIV. Amrouro XIV. Privileges of Peruvian citizens shall enjoy the Los ciudadanos del Perd gozarzin Y<}1'¤Vi¤¤S i¤ WG same privileges, in frequenting the los mismos privilejios que se concemines of Cali- · - - - · forma mines, and in digging or working for den 6 se puedan eonceder en adegold upon tbe public lands situated lante por los Estados Unidos de in the State of California, as are, América a los ciudadanos 6 subdior may be hereafter, accorded by tos de la nacion mas favorecida, the United States of America to cuando coneurran é. las minas y exthe citizens or subjects of the most traigan 6 busquen el oro en las favored nation. tierras publicas situadas en el Estado de California. Amrcrm XV. Anrrcuro XV. mgm to dis- The citizens of either of the Los ciudadanos de cada una de P°¤°°f P¤‘0i>¤1‘W· high contracting parties shall have las [Altas] Partes Contratantes pothe full power and liberty to dispose dren disponer de sus efectos personof their personal property and ef- ales dentro de la jurisdiccion de la fects, of every kind and description, otra,porventa,donaciomtestamento, within the jurisdiction of the other, 6 de cualquier otro modo, y sus hereby sale, donation, testament, or oth- deros 6 representantes, si son ciudaerwise, and their heirs or represent- danos de la otra parte succederan atives, being citizens of the other en los susodichos efectos personales, party, shall succeed to their said ya sea por testamento, 6 ab {mesm-