Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/642

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106 STAT. 5200 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—AUG. 12, 1992 number of security guards to permit reKef supplies to move into and within Somalia, and committing funds for such an effort; and (7) urges the President to work with the United Nations Security Council to deploy these security guards immediately, with or without the consent of the Somalia factions, in order to assure that humanitarian relief gets to those most in need, pgirticularly the women, children and elderly of SomaUa. Agreed to August 10, 1992. Aug. 12, 1992 ISRAEL—ELECTIONS AND PRIME MINISTER [H. Con. Res. 355] YITZHAK RABIN Whereas the Israeli public recently went to the polls to participate in the only fully free and democratic elections in the Middle East; Whereas Israel has faced serious outside threats to her existence since 1948 and has never. compromised the democratic system upon which the nation was founded; Whereas as a result of democratic elections, a peaceful and orderly transfer of power has taken place; Whereas the elections and debate leading to them demonstrated to the world the openness and vibrancy of Israeli democracy; Whereas Israel is actively committed to the absorption of close to 1,000,000 refugees over the next several years; Whereas Israel remains committed and engaged in the Mideast peace process and is seeking an acceleration of that process; and Whereas Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is currently visiting the United States: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the Congress— (1) congratulates the citizens of Israel on concluding fair and open democratic elections; (2) welcomes Prime Minister Rabin to the United States and applauds his statements and actions encouraging active participation in the search for peace; and (3) calls upon all parties in the region to actively and seriously engage in the peace process. Agreed to August 12, 1992. Aug. 12, 1992 VISIONARY ART—AMERICAN VISIONARY ART [S. Con. Res. 81] MUSEUM Whereas visionary art is the art produced by self-taught individuals who are driven by their own internal impijlses to create; Whereas the visionary artist's product is a striking personal statement possessing a powerful and often spiritual quality; Whereas prominent among the creators of visionary art are the mentally ill, the disabled, and the elderly;