Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/791

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PROCLAMATION 6641—DEC. 15, 1993 108 STAT. 5359 Annex II (con.) -60- Section (A). (con.) 123. (con.): 8. The aggregate quantity of blue-aold chetse and cheeM and subatitutes for cheeae containing, or proceaaad from, blue-aold cheese, of Cheddar cheese, and cheese and stiietitutes for cheese containing, or processed fm, Cheddar cheese, of Aatrican-type cheese, including Colby, washed curd and granular cheese (but not including Cheddar) and cheese and sUstiitutes for cheese containing, or processed from, such Maerican-type cheese, of Edaa and Cauda cheeses, of cheese and sitetitutes for cheese containing, or processed from, Edaa and Gouda cheese, of Italian-type cheeses, aade from cow's nilk, in original loaves (Roaano aade frca cow'a ailk, Reggiano, Paraesan, Provolcne, Prcivoletti and Sbrinz), of Italian-type cheeses, aade frca cow's ailk, not in original loavea (Roaano aade from cow's ailk, Reggiano, Paraesan, Provotone, Provoletti, Sbrinz and Goya) and cheeae and ai^titutes for chtiese containing, or processed from, such Italian-type cheeses, whether or not in original loaves, of Swiss or Eiaaentater cheese with eye foraation, of Swiss or Cawntaler cheese other than with eye foraation, Grtjyere-firocess cheese and cheese and aktetitutes for cheese containing, or processed from, such cheeses, of other cheeaes and siiastitutes for cheese (except cheese not containing cow's ailk, aoft ripened cow'a ailk cheese and cheese (except cottage cheese) containing 0.5 percent or less by ^ight of butterfat), and"of other cheese, and atiietitutes for cheese, containing 0.5 percent or less by weight of butterfat, that are quali^ins goods entered under subheadings 9906.04.81, 9906.04.8S, 9906.04.86, 9906.04.89, 9906.04.92, 9906.04.95, 9906.04.98, 9906.05.01, 9906.05.04, 9906.05.07, 9906.05.11, 9906.05.14, 9906.05.17, 9906.05.20, 9906.05.23, 9906.05.28, 9906.05.31, 9906.05.34, 9906.05.37, 9906.05.40, 9906.05.43, 9906.05.46, 9906.05.50, 9906.05.53, 9906.05.56, 9906.05.59, 9906.05.63, 9906.05.66, 9906.05.69, 9906.05.72, 9906.05.76, 9906.05.79, 9906.05.82, 9906.05.86, 9906.05.89, 9906.05.92, 9906.05.95, 9906.05.99, 9906.06.02, 9906.06.05, 9906.06.08, 9906.06.12, 9906.06.16, 9906.06.19, 9906.06.22, 9906.06.25, 9906.06^28, 9906:06.31, 9906.06.34 and 9906.06.37 in any calendar year, shall not^exceed the quantity specified below for that year. xtar 19 94 199 5 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 2000 2 001 2002 (k g) 5,550,000 5,716,000 5,887,000 6,064,000 6,246,000 6,433,000 6,626,000 6,825,000 7,030,000 Beginning in calendar year 2003 quantitative liaitations shall cease to apply on such qualifying goods. The quantity of toaatoes, fresh or chilled, entered tnder sii:heading 9906.07.03 shall be liaited as specified below: Entered from March 1 to July 14, Inclusive-' ZS!£ 1994 1 995 1996 1997 1998 1 999 2000 20 01 2002 auantity (kg) 165,500,000 170,465,000 175,579,000 180,846,000 186,272,000 191,860,000 197,616,000 203,544,000 209,650,000 Beginning in calendar year 2003 quantitative liaitations shall cease to apply on such goods.