Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/1006

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109 STAT. 1978 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 JUmex ZI (con.) -78- 252. Hoc* 4 to chaptar 84 la aodlflad to t—d as £ollom: •t. KHdlnt aisr aiipIlM only to Mdiln* tool* for mricina artal, OUMT tlwn lathM (including turntns eantart), irhick «n carry out d<ffor«nt typoo of BodifMna oporation* oithor: (a) by autaaatlc toot ciMnfO frea a awatlno or the Ilka In canfonrtty Hfth a aKhtnln* program (•Mhinlni conftora), ' (b) ^ tiM autontlc UM, alaittvaoualy or ooquMitialty, of difforwt unit headi Morfclng an a find poaltion Morl^laea (wit canotructlcn aadiinaa, aingla atation), or (c> by tito autoaatle trmfar of tiia Morkpiaea to diffarant laiit headi (•ultl-atation tranafar BKnfnM)a 253. Subdlvlaion (B) and the final paragraph of XMta S to chapter 84 ara aodif lad to raad as followa: •(•) Autoaatie data preeaaalni aBdilma aay ba In tiia for« of ayataaa ccnalatlna of a variabta niter of aiparata unita. liAJaet ta pafagripli (t) balau, a inlt la to bo ruardad aa baint a part of a coaplata ayaty if It aiata all tiia foUoMii« eondltionat (a) it la of a kind aototy or prlnelpalty uaad In an autoaatic data procaaains lyatai; (b> It la cannactaUa to the cantrat preeaaalni «nit oithar directly or thrau^ ena or aora odwr unite; and (c> It la abta te eeeipt er daliwir data In a fane (cedee or aiinata) Hbleh can bo mod by tiw (C> Separately preeanted unite af an autaaatlc date procaaaini aaehlna are to bo claaaiflad in headinp 8471. (D) Printen, kaybeerda, X-T coordinate Input divicae and diak atara«a inlta ahich eatiafy the eandltlana. of paragripha (IXb) and (l)(c> ibewe, are In all caaea to bo claaaif lad aa mite of hoadim M71. (I) Maehlnea perfenrinp a apaelfic fwiction other thai data praceealnf and ineorperatinf or wrkina in canjunctian with an autaaatlc data preciiiainp aachine are to be claaaif led In the headinte ipprapriata to thair reepactiva finctiam er, failinf that. In raaidual headinaa." 254. Tha following new note 8 to chapter 84 la Inserted In nuaerlcal sequence: t. for the purpee ee of heading WTO, the ten •Buett-alia" apphea only te aachinaa the dlaaiyiani of lAichdonotoaeoed17Da x 100aax4Saa.* 255. Subheading note 1 to chapter 84 is redesignated aa subheading note 2, the existing title diereto is nodlfled to read 'Subheading Notes*, and the following new subheading note 1 la Inserted thereafter: •1. For the purpeoea of aubheadif* M71.M, the tara •coxm* aaana autaaatlc data procaaaini aaohinee ahooo uilta eatiafy the candltiana leid doiai in note S(l) ta chapter H and lAich eeaprlea at laaat a 'central preoeaaini unit, ana Input init (far ma^», a keyboard ar a acamer), and ana output unit (for axan^a, a viaual diaplay wit ar a printer).*