Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/137

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1109 Annex (con.) -60- Section A. (continued) (19)(b). (con.): (xx) (con.): [Goods of Mexico,...:] [Cheese and curd...:] Provided for in subheading M06.90.37 or 0406.90.38: Made froM cow's Bilk in original loaves: 9906.05.99 Subject to the quantitative linits specified in U.S. note 8 to this subchapter Other: 9 906. 06.0 0 Valued not over »3.13/lcg 9906.06.01 Other Other: 990 6.0 6.02 Subject to the quantitative limits specif ied in U. S. note 8 to this subchapter.... Other: 99 06.0 6.03 Valued not over t2.30/ltg 99 06. 06.0 4 Other Provided for in subheading 0 406.90. 42: In or iginal lo aves: 9906.0 6.05 Subject to the quant itat ive liaits specified in U.S. note 8 to this subchapter Other: 99 06.0 6.06 Valued not over «3.1 3/kg 990 6.0 6.0 7 Other Other: 990 6.0 6.0 8 subject to the quantitative Units specified in U.S. note 8 to this subchapter Other: 9 906.06. 09 Valued not over »2.30Ag 99 06. 06.1 0 Other S1. 744/ kg ( MX) 55.6X (MX) $1.283 /kg ( MX) S5.6X (MX) S1.7 44/kg (MX) 55.6X (MX) $1.2 83/kg (MX) 55. 6X (MX)