Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/188

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109 STAT. 1160 PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 Ann ex ( con.) - Ill- Sect ion A. (c ontinued) (39)(b). (con.): ( v) The superior text preceding sub heading 9906.19. 05 which reads "Provided for in subheading 1901.20:", the superior text immediately preceding su bheading 99 06.19. 05, su bheading 9906.19.05 and the superior text immediately following such subheading, subh eadin gs 9906.19. 06 through 9906. 19.38, in clusive, and any superior text to such subheadings, are all deleted, and the following provisions are inserted in niimerical sequence in lieu thereof: [Goods of Mexfco,...:] malt extract; food...:! "Provided for in subheading 1901.20.15 o r 1901.20. SO: 99 06.1 9.05 Subject to the quantitative limits specif ied in U.S. note 7 to thi s subchapter Other: 9 906. 19.06 Valu ed not over 47.7</ kg 99 06. 19. 07 Other Provided for in subheading 190 1.20.25 o r 190 1.20.60: 99 06.1 9.0 8 Subject to thequantitative linits specified in U.S. note 18 to t his subchapter Other: 9906.19.09 Valued not over 47.7t/lcg 9906.19.10 Other Provided for in subheading 1901.20. 35 o r 1 901.20. 70: 99 06.19. 11 Su bject to the qu antit ative limits specified in U.S. note 20 to thi s subchapter Other: 9906.19.12 Valued not over 47.7t/ltg 9906.19.13 Other 9906.19.1 5 Cajeta with mi lie conponent contai ning o ver 5 0 perc ent by weight of goat's mi lie (provided for in s ubheading 190 1.90.32) Provided for in subheading 1901.90. 36, 190 1.90.4 3 o r 190 1.90.47: 99 06.1 9.1 6 Subject to the quantitative limits specified in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter Other: 99 06. 19. 17 Valued not over $1.27/kg.... 99 06. 19.1 8 Other 34.8 «/kg (M X) 73X (NX) 34.8* /kg (M X) 73X (MX) 34.8*/ kg (MX) 73X (PtX) 84.6</ kg (MX) 66.5X (MX)