Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/292

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109 STAT. 1264 PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 Ann ex (co n.) -21 5- Sec tion A. (co ntin ued) (197). (con.): Except as provided in this subdivision, the aggregate quantity of cotton, not carded or conbed, the product of anycowitry or area including theUnited States, having a staple length of 28.575 •• (1-1/8 inches) or acre but under 34.925 an (1-3/8 inches) (except harsh or rough cotton, not carded or coabed, having a staple length of 29.36875 m (1-5/32 inches) or Bore and white in color) but including cotton of perished staple, grafabots and cotton pickings, entered under subheading 5201.00.34 during theperiod fron January 1 to July 31, 1995, inclusive, shallnot exc eed the rca ain ing quantity availabl e, i f any, frcm the quota amount of 2,070,940 k ilogran s (except that iaports froai Mexico shall not be permitted or included under the aforeaentioned quantitative liiaitation) applicable to such goods during thequota period that began onAugust 1, 1994; and at the close of July 31, 1995, such quota period shall be considered tenainated. The aggregate quantity of cotton, notcarded or coabed, theproduct of anycountry or area including the United States, having a staple length of 28.575 an (1-1/8 inches) or more but under 34.925 m (1-3/8 inches) (except harsh or rough cotton, not carded or conbed, having a staple length of 29.36875 an (1-5/32 inches) or nore and white incolor) but including cotton of peri shed st apl e, gra bbot s and cotton pi cki ngs, entered under subheading 5 201. 00. 34 during the 1 2 - • onth period beginning August 1 in any year (beginning with August 1, 1995) shall not exceed 5,2 00. 0 met ric tons ( imports from M exico shall not b e permitted o r inc luded i n the afor ement ione d quantitative limitation and no such articles shall be classifiable therein). Imports from countries or areas whoare not mtnten of theWorld Trade Organization shall not be permitted or included in thequantitative limitations set forth in this note. Except as provided in this subdivision, the aggregate quantity of cotton, not carded or combed, the product of any country or area including the United States, having a staple length of 34.925 •• ( 1-3/8 in ch es) o r more, entered under subheading 52 01.00.60 during the period from January 1 to July 31, 1995, inclusive, shall not exceed the remaining quantity available, if any, from the quota amount of 17,958,074 kilograms (except that imports frcm Mexico shall notbe permitted or included under th e afor ementi oned qua nti tati ve l imitat ion) applicable to s uch good s during th e quota period that began on August 1, 1994; and at the close of July 31, 1995, such quota period shall be co nsi der ed ter minate d. The aggregate quantity of cotton, not carded or combed, the product of any country or area including the United States, having a staple length of 34.925 an (1-3/8 inches) or more, entered inder subheading 5201.00.60 during the 12-annth period beginning August 1 in any year (beginning with August 1, 1995) shall not exceed 25,500.0 metric tons (imports from Mexico shall not be permitted or irKl uded i n the afo rementi oned q uant itati ve limitation and n o such articles shall b e classifiable therein). Imports from couttries or areas whoare not menters of theUorld Trade Organization shall not be permitted or included in the quantitative limitations set forth in this note. Except as provided in this siiidivision, the aggregate quantity of card strips made from cotton having a staple length under 30.1625 m (1-3/16 inches), and lap waste, sliver waste and roving waste of cotton, alt the foregoing theproduct of anycountry or area including theUnited States, entered under subheading 5202.99.10 during the period from January 1 to Septeaber 19, 1995, inc lusiv e, shall not exceed the r emai ning quantity ava ilable, i f any, from the quota amoun t specified below in this subdivision applicable to such goods during thequota period that began on Septeaber 20, 1994; and at the close of September 19, 1995, such quota period shall be cons idere d ten ain ated.