Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/794

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109 STAT. 1766 PROCLAMATION 6780—MAR. 23, 1995 Annex (con.) -3- S»etton A. (contlnuad) (6). Additional U.S. not* 24 to chapter 4 Is nodlflad by dolatlng "In the subheadlnga provided for In additional U.S. not* 17 to thla ohaptar and aubjact to the qtiantltatlve llaltation* of auch additional U.S. note 17." and Inserting 'In the subheadings for blua-aold cheeses and Is subject to mny quantitative llaltation on such ehsesss.* In lieu thereof. (7). Additional U.S. note 2 to chapter 12 Is Modified by adding the following new subdivision (c): "(c> lapert* sf paanMi utdir thli net* (r* wbjwt te raguUtion* m aay b« Imnd by th* Unltad Itacn Trad* R«prw«ntativ« ar otlwr daalgnatad agmcy.* (8). Additional U.S. notell to chapter 17 la renuabered aa additional U.S. note 10. (9). Additional U.S. note S to chapter 20 la modified by adding at the end of the note th* following new paragraph: •I^wrta of paanut butlar and paata undo- thta net* ar* aUbJaet te.rasuUtlana aa aay be laauad by th* (ktltad States Trad* t*fr*t*ntatlv* er otli*r dealfnated ataney.* (10). The Rates of Duty 1-Speclal subcoluan for subheading 2005.70.23 Is • odlfled by liMertlng, In alphabetical order, the ayiriwls "A", *S" and "J" In the parentheses following th* Free rate of duty In such subeolisBi. (11). The article description for subheading 2008.99.65 la deleted and th* artlcl* description 'Cassava (aanloc)' Is Inserted In lieu thereof. (12). The Rates of Duty 1-Sp*clal subeolunn for subhasding 2918.21.10 is • odlfled by deleting the syabol 'K' In the parentheses followlitg the Free rata of duty In s uch subc oluom. (13). The Rates of Duty 1-Speclal subcoluan for subheading 2922.50.11 la •odlfled by Inserting. In alphabetical order, the ayabol *K' In the parentheses following the Free rate of duty In such s«ibceluan. (14). The Rates of Duty 1-Special subcoluan for th* subheadings listed In this paragraph la aodlfled by Inserting, In alphabetical order, the syabol 'L" In the parentheses following the Free rate of duty In such subcolustn. 291 4.7 0.90 29 18.2 9.25 2 922.19.70 2 922. 30. 17 291 7.19.20 23 18.2 9.65 2 922. 29. 29 2933.40.60 2918.2 9.0 4 2918.2 9.75 2922.29.60 2933.40.70 (IS). The Rates of Duty 2 coluim for subheading 3213.90.00 la Modified by deleting the rat* set forth In such coluan and Inserting "48.6%" in lieu the reof. (16). The article description for subheading 3402.11.20 la deleted and the article description 'Linear alkylbenzene aulfonic acid and linear alkylbancene sulfonates* la Inserted in lieu thereof. (17). Subheading a 3 912.31. 20 and 3912.31.60 are sup erse ded by: rcellulee* and It* chealc*! darlvativ**....! t Call ul** * *th* racl •39 12. 11. 00 Carbex« Batliyle*(lu( «c* and It* e al t* «.M Fr*a (A,at,I.ll, ttIV i.K.NU (18). The article description for aubhsading 5112.19.20 Is deleted and the artlcl* description 'Tapestry fabrlca and upholatery fabrlca" la inserted In lieu thereof. (19). The article description for subheading 5701.10.40 la del*t*d and th* article deacrlption "Hand-hooked, that Is, In lAilch the tufta were inserted and knotted by hand or by aaans of a hand tool" is Inserted In lieu thereof.