Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/795

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PROCLAMATION 6780—MAR. 23, 1995 109 STAT. 1767 Annex (con.) -*- 5«6tlqn A- (contlmwd) (20). ThB artlel* dascrtption for aubheading S703.20.10 Is d«l«t«d and th« arttela daacrlptten *Mand-hoekad, that la, In which dia tufta vara Inaartad by hand or by aaana of a hand tool' la Inaartad In llau tharaof. (21). Tha artlela daacrlption for aubheading 8424.89.30 la dalatad and the artlcla daacrlption 'Spraying appllancaa daalgnad for atchlng, atrlpplng «r cleaning aaalconductor vafara* la Inaartad In llau tharaof. (22). SvA>headlnga 84A3.19.60 and 8443.19.80 and the auparlor taxt laMdlataly pracading atiMiaading 8443.19.60 ara auparaadad and the following prevlalona ara Inaartad In nuaarlaal aacpianea; tPrlntlna •Mktmry; aKklixa far MM*...:] IDffMt printing wadMrmyt} nMMrtl • au s.1«.« IMllhlni 1,«W kf or aor* trm H O)' (23). Tha artlcla daacrlption for aubheading 8471.91.40 la aodlflad by delating "In an autoaatlc data procaaalng aachlnaa" and Inaartlng "In autoaatlc data procaaalng aachlnaa* In llau tharaof. (24). Tha artlcla daacrlption for aubheading 8477.10.40 la dalatad and the article daacrlption "For uaa In the Mnufaeture of video laaar dlaea" la Inaerted In lieu thereof. (23). The artlcla daacrlption for aubheading 8479.89.8S la delated and die article daacrlption "Machlnaa for procaaalng of aaalconductor natarlala; • a chlnea for production and aaaaably of dlodea, tranalatora and alallar aaalconductor davleaa and electronic Integrated drculta: aachlnaa for the aanufaeturlng of video laaar dlaca* la Inaerted In lieu thereof. (26). The Ratea of Duty 2 coluan for aubheading 9106.90.SS la aodlflad by deleting the rata sat forth In auch coluan and Inaartlng *$4.50 each -f 65t' In lieu thereof. (27). The Ratea of Duty 2 coluan for aubheading 9106.90.75 la aodlflad by deleting the rate sat forth In auch coluan and Inaartlng *$4.50 each * 65%" In lieu thereof. (28). D.S. note 1 to aubchaptar VIII of chapter 98 la aodlflad by deleting aiich note and Inaartlng the following note In lieu thereof: •1. Kith rMVMt M MMiMdlna Mge.W.M. (oada kraitfit Inl* MM ciateai twrltery ut th* Uiltad MtM ky tht UtImI Mranwtlci aid <|wc« Milnlttratltn frai ipse* or froi • forofgn country •* port ol on intomotionol proaroa of tko Notional Mronautlco aid Ipaco Adolnlotration itoU net k* conol*r«l on lopertotion, ond on ontry of oucli MrtorloU okoU not bo roqulrod.o (29). Subheading 9808.00.80 and the auperlor taxt lanadlately preceding aubheading 9808.00.80 ara auperaeded and the following provlalona ara Inaartad In tiuaarlcal aeqtience: •Artlelo* for t«M Notional Mronoutico oiri Ipoco MalnUtrotion ond ortleloo l^period to lo^laant Intomotionol proirMo botHoon the Notional Aoronautlc* and tpoc* AMnlotrstion and t*nip> ontltioo, Includlni Imnth oorvieoo osrooMntot ooodo eoftlflod by it t* tlw Coaolaolentr of Cuotoa to by liyertod for «M of Iho Notionot Mronoutlea aid (poeo Molnlotration or for liaXaontation of on Intoraotionol prosrn of tho Hollonol «oronoutlco aid tpoc* Adolnlotrotion, IncluJInf ortlclo* to bo loundiod Into opoea and porto thoroef, (round avpport oqulpaant and uniquely ooooclotod oqulpaont for uao In coraioction alth on Intomotionol profroa of tho Notlenol Aorenoiitica and tpaeo Molniotrotlan, Including loundi oorvieoo ogrooaanto Froo froo*