Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/908

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109 STAT. 1880 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 ANNEX I (con.) - 13- 10. TCRs 1 through 6, Ineltulve, for chapter 30 ar* 4tel*t«d and th« following new TCRs are Inserted In lieu thereof: •1. (A) A Chang* to wMMdtngs 3001.10 througd 3001.20 fro* ary othw hMding; or ((> A dMngo to siMiaadlnga 3001.10 through 3001.20 free any otherstiihMding Hi'thfn hoirifng 3001. Including another atMaading Htthtn that ttoup, itfiathar or not thara la alao a ehanga free any ethar heading, provided thara fa a ragfonal valua centant of not laaa than: (1) 66 pareant Mhar* th* trancaction valua aethod <a uaad, or (2) 50 pareant Mhara the nat coat aathod U uaad. 2. A ehanga to aubheading 3001.90 frcn any other aufaheading. 3. A ehai«a to *ufaheadlr«a 3002.10 through 3002.90 from any other a«Maadliw, Including another aiWiaading within that group. 4. (A) A ehai«a to aiMaadfnga 3003.10 through 3003.90 from any other heading; or (B) A chai«e to auMiaadinga 3003.10 through 3008.90 from any other heading within hMding 3003. Hhathar or not thara <a alao a ehanga freai any other heading, prevldad thara la a regional valua content of not laaa than: (1) M pareant whera the tranaaction valua aathed ia UMd, or (2) SO percent uhara the nat eoet aathed ia uaad. 5. (A) A diai«a to auMaadtiwa 3004.10 through 3004.32 from any other heading, axcapt from headii« 3003; er (•) A chMWa to aiMewiinga 3004.10 thrtiugh 3004.32 from heading 3003 or any other aiMeading Mithin heading 3004. including another aUUiaading irithln that grei^, whether or not there ia alao a ch««a frea any other heading, provided there ia a regional valua centant of not lea* than: (1) M percent where the tranaaction value aethod ie uaed, or (2) SO pereait where the net coat aethod ia uaad. 6. A change to aUAaeding 3004.39 from any other aubheading. 7. (A) A chai«a to ai±headir«c 3004.40 through 3004.SO from any ether heading, except from heeding 3003; or (I) A ehenge to aUbheadinga 3004.40 through 3004.SO from heading 3003 or any other eiMeading within heading 3004. Including another aubhaeding within that groiy, lAether or not there la alao a change f rca eny other heading, provided there ia a regional valua content of not leee than: (1) 60 percent whera the trenaaction valua aathod la uaed. or (2) SO percent idiere the net coat aethod ia uaad. 8. A change to aubhaeding 3004.90 from any other iiiiheading.