Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/921

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1893 MUSBX I (con.) - 26- 37. The follovlng new TCKs for chaptar 84 ar« Inaartad InoMdlately after TCR 215 for chapter 84: •215A. A ctwq* to tariff <t«i 8473.S0.S0 frta mtf otlwr ta/lff Itae. 21S0. A chano* to t*r<ff Uta S473.50.M frca mrf othor tariff Itaa. aWiaedlin nilei tiiadlvtalan (l) of ruU 215C doaa not anXy to a port or aceaaaory provided for In auMiaadlno 0473.50 If tint part or aeoaaaary la uaad In the prodiietlan of a good provided for In oiMoadlnt 8409.11 or headlni 11471. 21SC. (A> A dwnaa to atMoaclIng 0473.30 fr<a any ottiar heading; or (•) No r«(ulrod chai«a In tariff etaaalflcation to aiMoadlnf 0473.S0, provided tlnro la a raglcnal valua eentant of not taaa than) <1) M parcant rfiiiro the tranaactlen valiia aathod la uaad, or <2> SOparcant Hhoro the nat coat aatlMd la uaad.a 38. TCR 218(A) and (B) for chapter 84 are aodlfled by deleting •8475.20* at each Instance and by Inserting in lieu thereof "8475.2$*. 39. TCR 220(A} and (B) for chapter 84 are aodified by deleting •8476.11* at each instance and by inserting In lieu thereof *8476.21*, and by deleting "8476.19* at each instance and by Inserting in lieu thereof '8476.89*. 40. Chapter rule 5 for chapter 85 is Bodifled by Inserting in subdivision (a) ionedlately after "television picture tube* the expression "(including video nonitor or video projector c«thode-ray tube)*, and by inserting in subdivision (b) innediately after *pictu]ce tube* the expression '(incltiding video aonitor or video projector cathode-ray tube)*. 41. TCR 5 for chapter 85 is deleted and the following new TCR is inserted in lieu thereof: •5. A chanea to tariff Itaaa IB04.40.60 or 8104.40.70 free any othor tariff Itaii, axcaiK from auUiaadliv 8471.49." 42. TCR 8 for chapter 85 is redesignated as TCR 8A, and the following new TCR 8 is inserted inaediately after TCR 7 for such chapter: •8. A chanea to tariff Itaa ai04.90.7D from any other tariff Itaa.* 43. TCRs 11 through 14, inclusive, for chapter 85 are deleted and the following new TCRs are inserted in nuaerical sequence: •11. (A} A ehanga to aiMaadlnoa 8S06.IO throiah 8506.80 fraa any othor heading, axcept from tariff Itaaa 8548.10.05 or 8S48.10.1S; or (t) A ehanga to aiiAoadli'wa 8500.10 through 8506.00 fraa auhhooding 8S06.W, Hhothor or not thoro la atao a ehanga from any other heading, oxcapt from tariff Itaaa 8548.10.05 ar 8S48.10.1S, provided thoro la a raglenal valua contant of not taaa that (1) 60 parcant Nhani the tranaactlen vatua aathod la uaad, or <2) SOparcant Mhori tho not coot aathod la uaad. 12. A change to auUMt-ilr* 8506.90 from any ether headli«, except tariff ttMO 8548.10.05 or 8548.10.15. <-•"