Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/952

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109 STAT. 1924 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 Annex II (con.) -2 4- 101. Th« «rtlcl« dMcrlption o£ h««ding 3301 ia m>dl£l«d by Inaerting the •xprassion "Mctrmcted olaoreaina;" after the axpreaalon "reslnolda;". 102(a). Tha article daacrlption of heading 3302 la aodified to read aa follow*: •nlxtvirM of odM-ffaroui wtatancw ant •fxturas ((neludfne atGdiodc Mlutlom) tilth • bMti of on* or •or* of thoM nbttancM, of • kfnd utad •• nu •tttrUl* In Induitry; ethor prtparatfona boMd on odsriforouo oitataicw, of • kind uMd for tiio atnufactura of boMragoo:*. (b). Subheading 3302.10.30 ia ariperaeded by the following: mlxturoa...:] C0f...!l [Containing...:] "Containing «wtr 20 pare«it of alediel by Molabts Praparationa ra^rlng only tiw addition of otliyt alcoiiel or Motor to produeo a lia»»rng auttiM* for biaan cofwiillcni 3302.10,40 Cantainlno ewar 20 paroantt but not ovar SO pareant of ateehol byiMltfit I1.<« /l« rraa fA*,ai,t, McAv«

  • 2.a

IL,J,IH> 2SX 3308.10.50 Contalnlna ovar SO pareant of aleaiiol by wali^ 2S.3«/ ka Free (A*.QI,E, »1.7</k(«^ • 2.6X IL.J,i«) ZSX 3302.10.90 Other 3.n rraa tt*,C.lL. SOP J, HO Conforming change: General note 4(d) la nodified by inaerting in nuaerical aequence "3302.10.40 India" and "3302.10.50 India". 103. Subheading 3304.99.00 ia superaeded by the following: naauty...:! (Other:! •330i.9» Othori 3304.99.10 Patrolaui Jally put up far rotall aalo Free 75% 3304.99.50 Other 2.99( Free (A*.C,IL, 7S1B" 0.9S (CA) Conforming change: General note 4(d) ia Modified by deleting "3304.99.00 India" and by inaerting in lieu thereof "3304.99.50 India". 104(a). The article daacrlption of heading 3306 ia Modified to read aa followa: •Praparationa for oral or dntal hyglana, Inetuding dwtura f Ixatlva paataa and poudfra; yam uaad to eloan batMian the taath (dHttal floaa). In Indlvldal ratall packagaa:".