Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/738

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694 TREATY WI'DH AUSTRIA. JULY 3, 1856. piration of the said first day of Jan- eine solche Mittheilung zu jeder nary, eighteen hundred and fifty- Zeit nach dem Ablanf des gedacheight. ten ersten Januar Ein tausend acht hundert und acht und funfzig zugehen zu lassen. ARTICLE V. ARTIKEL v. R¤*°i$¤¤*i°¤s~ The present convention shall be Die gegenwartige Uebereinkunft ratified by the President, by and soll ratificirt werden von dem Prasiwith the advice and consent of the denten unter und mit der Genehmi- Senate of the United States, and by gung und Zustimmung des Senates his Majesty the Emperor of Aus- der Vereinigten Staaten und von tria, and the ratifications shall be Seiner Majestat dem Kaiser von exchanged at Washington within six Oesterreich, und die Ratiiicationen months from the date hereof, or sollen zu Washington innerhalb sooner if possible. sechs Monaten von dem heutigen datum, oder wo moglich fruher, ausgewechselt werden. In faith whereof; the respective Zu Urkund dessen haben wir, die plenipotentiaries have signed this respectiven Revollmachtigten, diese conventionand have hereunto affixed Uebereinkunft unterzeichnet und their seals. unsere Siegel beigedruckt. Done in duplicate, at Washing- In zweifacher Ausfertigung geston, the third day of July, in the ] chehen zu Washington den dritten nm, year of our Lord one thousand eight Juli Ein tausend acht hundert und hundred and fifty-six, and of the sechs und funfzig im achtzigsten independence of the United States Jahre der Unabhangigkeit der Vethe eightieth. reinigten Staaten.__ W. L. MARCY. HULSEMANN. l€><¢h¤¤.2¤ vt And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts, mm °°°1°“S' and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged in the city of Washixigton on the 13th instant, by William L. l\¢Iarcy, Secretary of State of the United States, and the Chevalier Hiilsemann, his Austrian Majesty’s minister resident in the United States, on the part of their respective `overnments : g Now, therefore, be it known, that I, FRANKLIN PIERCE, President of the United States of America, have caused the said- convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal 0f the United States to be affixed. Done in the city of Washington, this fifteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty- [L. s.] six, and of the independence of the United States the eighty- first. FRANKLIN PIERCE. By the Presidvernt M . . ARCY, Secretary of State.