Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/747

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PROCLAMATION 6962—DEC. 2, 1996 111 STAT. 2835 ANNEX TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS TO THE HARMCMIIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE OF THE UNITED STATES TO IMPLEMENT THE AGREEMENT WITH ISRAEL CONCERNING CERTAIN ASPECTS OF TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Effectlva with regpect to fooda entered, or withdrawn fron warehouse for consumption, on or after December 4. 1996. the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States ("HTS*) is modified as follows: 1. Subheadings 0401.30.75, 0403.90.78 and 0405.10.20 are each modified by inserting In the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn the expression "See 9908.04.01 (IL)". 2. Subheadings 0402.10.50 and 0402.21.25 are each modified by Inserting In the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn the expression "See 9908.04.03 (IL)*. 3. Subheadings 0406.10.08. 0406.10.18, 0406.10.28, 0406.10.38, 0406.10.48, 0406.10.58, 0406.10.68, 0406.10.78. 0406.10.88. 0406.20.28, 0406.20.33. 0406.20.39. 0406.20.48. 0406.20.53. 0406.20.63. 0406.20.67. 0406.20.71. 0406.20.75, 0406.20.79. 0406.20.83. 0406.20.87. 0406.20.91. 0406.30.18. 0406.30.28, 0406.30.38, 0406.30.48, 0406.30.53, 0406.30.63. 0406.30.67, 0406.30.71, 0406.30.75, 0406.30.79. 0406.30.83. 0406.30.87. 0406.30.91. 0406.40.70, 0406.90.12, 0406.90.18, 0406.90.32, 0406.90.37. 0406.90.42. 0406.90.48, 0406.90.54. 0406.90.68, 0406.90.74, 0406.90.78, 0406.90.84, 0406.90.88. 0406.90.92, 0406.90.94, 0406.90.97 and 1901.90.36 are each modified by Inserting in the Rates of Duty 1-Speclal subcolumn the expression "See 9908.04.05 (IL)". 4. Subheadings 1202.10.80, 1202.20.80, 2008.11.35 and 2008.11.60 are each modified by Inserting in the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn the expression "See 9908.1 2. 01 (IL)". 5. Subheading 2105.00.20 is modified by inserting in the Rates of Duty 1- Special subcolumn the expression "See 9908.21.01 (IL)". 6. New subchapter VIII, with the notes and tariff provisions set forth below, is Inserted at the end of chapter 99: •SUKili»TU VIII TENKMRr NCOIFIMTIONt ttTAILItNO HMtUMT TO TM AGREEMENT WITH ItMEL CONCEtNIM CERTAIN ASPECTS Of TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL MOOUCTt U.t. Mottt 1. Thl» subctiaptw contain* taaporsry Bodificatlens «f th* provUlem of th* tariff Mhadut* MtablltlMd pursuant to the unltad ttatas' agraamnt with Uraal concamlng certain aapacta of trada In agricultural produett, datad Novaater i, 19M. Products of Isrsal allRlbl* for banaflts of the agraaeant iihan ieportad into the cuateaa territory, and dascrlbad In the provlsiona of thia aubchaptar for lAlch quantltatlva llniti ara praaerlbad along with rata* of duty follouad by the syabol "(tL)" ara herain provided, ara subjact to duty tndar the provlsiona and at the rates sat forth in this sttehaptar in liau of the ratas provided tharafer in chapters 1 through 97 in rstes of duty coltan 1 Mhon entered in quantities that are within the lieits provided in this sUichapter. Notulthstanding quota provisions elsauhara In the tariff achadule. eligible products of Israel shall be penaltted to enter the United State* to the extent and at the duty ratas herein provided. No geeda entered under the quentitatlva liaits set forth In this sitetiaptar shall be cotntad toward any quota or tariff-rate quota provided for auch geeda alsa«here In th* tariff achadule. No other preferential tariff traataent provided for elssMhera In the tariff schedule shall be afforded to goods described In th* provisions of this subchapter. Unless othomt** provided, the providon* and note* In thi* *ubch*pt*r are effective aa to such products of Israel that are entered, or Mithdrawi free uareheuae for conauiption, on or after Decaater 4, 1996, *nd through the do** of Otembtr 31, 2001, *ft*r which dot* thi* subch*pt*r *h*ll c**s* to opply to *ny goods *nt*r*d aft*r that date. 2. Uherever goods are described by s provision of this sttehaptar and accorded a taaiporery •odification of the otherulse applicable duty or quote trestaant freai chapters 1 through 97 of this sctiedule, th* reporting ruiber. In the absence of specific instructions providing ottMnd**, shall be the appropriate atatistlcal reporting nuibar for the beeic provlalen (the eppropriate prevlaion for claaaifleation purposes In chapters 1 through 97) preceded by th* •pproprl*t* •iAh**ding nuiter fron thi* *ubch*pt*r. For ststlsticsl purpos**, both th* basic provision ststistical reporting mater and the applicable subheading nuiiicr free this subchipt*r «h*ll be collected by the United St*t** luraau of Ceneu*.