Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/766

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Ill STAT. 2854 PROCLAMATION 6969-^AN. 27, 1997 M!NEX 11 iconrlnued) Section r. Additional U.S. note 9 to chapter 52 of the HTS Is nodlfied on the dates set forth In this section as follows: (1). Effective on January 1, 1997, euch additional U.S. note 9 Is modified by deleting the phrase 'during the 12-Donth period fron September 20 In any year shall not exceed 2,135,427 kllograns* and by Inserting "during the 12-iionth periods from September 20, 1996, through September 19, 1997, Inclusive, shall not exceed 2.135,427 kllograns or fron September 20, 1997, through September 19, 1998, inclusive, shall not exceed 2,435,427 kllograns" In lieu thereof. (2). Effective on January 1, 1998, such additional U.S. note 9 is modified by deleting Che phrase "during the 12-nonth periods fron September 20, 1996, through September 19, 1997, inclusive, shall not exceed 2,135,427 kllograns or from September 20. 1997, through September 19, 1998, inclusive, shall not exceed 2,435,427 kllograns" and by Inserting "during Che 12-nonCh periods fron September 20, 1997. through September 19. 1998, inclusive, shall noc exceed 2,435,427 kilograms or from September 20, 1998, through September 19, 1999, inclusive, shall noc exceed 2,735,427 kllograins" in lieu thereof. (3). Effective on January 1, 1999. such additional U.S. note 9 is nodlfied by deleting the phrase "during the 12-nonch periods from September 20, 1997, through September 19, 1998, inclusive, shall not exceed 2,435,427 kllograns or fron September 20, 1998, through September 19, 1999, inclusive, shall not exceed 2,735,427 kllograns* and by inserting "during the 12-nonth periods from September 2 0, 1 99B, through September 19, 1999, inclus ive, shall not exce ed 2,735,427 kilograms or fron September 20, 1999, through September 19. 2000, in clus ive, shall not excee d 3,035,427 kl log ran s* in lieu ther eof. (4). Effective on January 1. 2000, such additional U.S. note 9 Is modified by deleting the phrase "during the 12-month periods fron September 20, 1998, through September 19, 1999, inclusive, shall not exceed 2,735.427 kilograms or from September 20. 1999, through September 19, 2000, inclusive, shall not exceed 3,035,427 kllograns" and by inserting *during the 12-month periods from September 20, 1999, through September 19, 2000, inclusive, shall not exceed 3.035, 427 kll ogr ans or fron September 2 0, 2 000, through September 19, 200 1, inclusive, shall not exceed 3,335,427 kilograms* in lieu thereof. (5). Effective on January 1, 2001, such additional U.S. note 9 is modified by deleting the phrase *during the 12-month periods from September 20, 1999, through September 19, 2000, inclusive, shall not exceed 3,035,427 kilograms or from September 20, 2000, through September 19, 2001, inclusive, shall not exceed 3,335,427 kilograms" and by inserting "during the 12-nonth period fron September 20 in any year through September 19, inclusive, shall not exceed 3,335,427 kilograms" In lieu thereof. Section C. Additional U.S. note 10 to chapter 52 of the HTS is modified on the dates set forth In this section as follows: (1). Effective on January 1, 1997, such additional U.S. noce 10 Is nodlfied by deleting the phrase "during the 12-month period from September 11 In any year shall not exceed 1,300 kilograms" and by inserting "during Che I2-monch periods from SepCember 11, 1996, chrough Septeicber 10, 1997, inclusive, shall noC exceed 1,300 kilograms or from Sepcember 11, 1997, chrough September 10, 1998, inclusive, shall not exceed 1,600 kilograms" in lieu thereof. (2). Effective on January 1, 1998, such eddlclonal U.S. noce 10 is modified by deleclng the phrase "during Che 12-monCh periods from SepCember 11, 1996, Chrough Sepcember 10, 1997, inclusive, shall noC exceed 1,300 kilograms or from September 11, 1997, through Sepcember 10, 1998, Inclusive, shall noc exceed 1,600 kilograms" and by inserclng "during the 12-month periods fron September 11, 1997, through September 10, 1998, inclusive, shall not exceed 1,600 kilograms or from September 11, 1998, through September 10, 1999, incl usive, shall not excee d 1,900 kl lo gr an s" in lieu ther eof.