Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1062

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115 STAT. 3136 PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 Annex I (continued) - 18- (63). The following subheading notes and title lo chapter 26 are inserted before the additional U.S. notes: •SubheaOno Wrtw 1. For n» m»poses o< subheading2620.21.00. -^eaOexi oasorme slwioei and leaded an»-knock compound shidocs' maaiB sludBOS oblatnedIrom sKxage bnks of leadedgasokne and leaded anU^uiock compounds (tor eiainple. letiaelhyl leadX and conskling essentially ol lead, lead compounds andkon oxide. 2. AshandrcsiduescorMMngarsenic.inercury, thallium or Iheirinxiures, of a lucid usedtorthe exlnciion of vsenic or •nse rnetab ortorIhe manufacture ofttieirchemical compounds, antobe dassNied in subheading 2620.60.' (64Xa). The article description of heading 2620 is niodified to read: 'Ash and rasiduei (other than hom the manuladure o(iron or staalX oonlaininB aixanic metal* or tiair ootnpouids. (b). Subheading 2620.50.00 is deleted. (c). Subheadings 2620.20.00 and 2620.90 through 2620.90.85 and any intervening text lo subheadings between 2620.90 and 2620.90.85 are superseded and the following provisions inserted in numerical sequence: rJAsh and residuBi (other than Irom t>e_.J TartaMQ maMy laait Leadedgasoina sludges and leaded antMinocfc compound shidoaL 2620.fl0uB0 2S20J1J)O Confining arsenic, mercury. Oalian or Oieir nMures. of a kind usedtorthe extraction d arsenic or thosA melals ortortrie manulactm of «wir chemical oompoundt: 0( a kind used ortfytorthe extraction d arsenic or ftemanutacturaot Its chemical comoCTinds— Ottiar- CooMnlng artknony. banrMum. ctvomium or th* nMuras 8.Bf/kgon copper oonlanl* on zbic •.S fAgon 3J**8 i.109 Free (A*.CAJ0.E. tUJOMX) 2S%