Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1155

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PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 3229 Annex II (continued) -3- (C) Actang«toiK)(><*«ni(»lrd«*nadah«m<asaK>tesa(tut]haa()«iB2B4Z.10tamdaU^ slicalas. Inc««ing iliwnaly dafins) akannotCcatn. o( itiAKKfcv 2S4Z10or fti^ >ut)ltndng wWin ctapHn2S Vifu^ 38. whaOw or not tian B abo a tfong*tram My QOiar ctapCar. prendad Here is a lagional <aka oonem o( nol lau tare (1) GOparcantwt«n»iatnansaclionvaliienie« (2) SOpaioanlwhareVienaloaainalhodituMd. 29E Achanaeto*uUiaadine2B42.SOftainanyaaiarauHeading. 2SF. AchanB*(oiubhnd«iBa2M3.lOtt«ou^28SO.OOinamanyo«iartU)liaai«ng.indhtfngana«Mr subheadms «MMn thatgnx*).' 10. TCR 5 ibr chapter 29 is deleted and the following new TCRs are inserted in lieu thereof: •<S. (A) ActenBatotubhead«vi2903.11iritDiigh29(D.1Shnnanyolharaut>head(«.inclid«igan(«^ uiihaaiing wtlhin that gnuo. excapt from headngs 2901through 2S02; a (B) Achanga to lutihawftvs 2903.1 t«<R)uoh29(a.1S from hwfcigs 2901 •iniu^TSQZ.whalhar or not there ii ate a ounge trwn any other subheadng. kviudkioanolhar Miiheaday wiMntubheadngs 2903.11 ttnugh 2S03.1S. pnnAlad Ihera Is a regional valua oomart of not leas (hare (1) eOparoertfwharathetranaaoiianvalueinetndisusad.or (2) SOpanMdl where tanal cost meltiod is used. SA (A) A danga la l^-dcltoopruijana (iKopyliie dkMoride) or dicMorotiutani ot autiheadaig 2903.19 from other saturated dtolnalad darlvativas of acydc hydrocaitions of subheading 2903.19 or any ottiar sutiheadng. exoei)!fcomheading 2901 tlwough 2902; (B) Adanga ID t^-dkiHonniropana (prop/tone dicMoride) or dcWorotiulanes << aubheadfig2903.19 from liaa(tng2901 through 2S02. otwiher or not tnra Is also a donga Irom other aakaalad cMorlnalad darivatlvas o( acyt*: hydrocartxns ot sutiheading 2903.19 or any other sutiheadbig. provided ttera Is a •agional value coraant of not less than: (1) aoperoanl«rt) <2) so percent tttiare the net cost mathod is used; <C) A change 10 other saturated cNorinaladdarivalms of acydic hydrocaitans of subheading 2903.19 kom l^^acNoropropans (propylene didHorida) or dichlorotManas at aUihaaiSng 2903.19 or kom any ottier suWieading, except liom headaigs 2901 tirough2902: or (0) A change >a other satuated chlorinsleddarixaaves ot acydic hydioeertcns ot iubheading 2901.19 Imn headhgs2901 gaough 2902. xtaltiar or not there Is elio a change kom 1j'4(MoeoprQpana (propylana (IkMorida) or dichlorctwianas of sutheadhig2903.19 or fioin any oAar subhaMk«. picvldad tar* Is a ragloral vakia oorlant o( not lessthaa (1) 60 percent trtiare •« transatJon value nalhod is iBad. or (2) SO percent KiMre the net ooa method is used. SB. (A) Achanoa IB tubheadkigs 2903.2tvnugh 2903.30 tram any other sul*eading.lrKiuding another •ubheadng M«Nn that group, except kom heatings 2901 thmtiBh 2902: or (8) Achangetosutiheadngs 2903.21 Imxjgh 2910.30 trom headings 2901 thnxoh 2102. «i4wg«r or not tare Is also a changa irom aiv other (ubheadkig. Indudkig another sutheadng mlNn aiMiaadkvs 2903.21 iMDugh 2ga3J0. pRwIdadthere Is a nglanal vakia coriwi of im laaa tare