Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1171

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PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 3245 Anoex II (continued) -19- (8) Actang«to'spil-syslams'a(si«iheadiriBMlS.lOlromanya«iviulihe>ding.eueMiram tUiheadiivs 8415^ Vwiugti S4tS.IU.tarti tem M15.90.40or auamMes tnoofpofwing nae •on r.;«.-M«> one ofttMfatowing:comproMf. cowUMef. evipoCTIor. cowaiiig tuttng: c (Q Actni«alB*splll-ty5Mms-alsi«ieadngS41S.t0toml»iiraMn8415j90.40arau«n*iai imxpaalino more aan one of MB l,iln»ring: oomprassor. candanHr. evaponlor. caweirx)lutiinB. VI .»; wtied<erarnollheielsilsoactangeiramsuW<eidmBiM1SJ0«iiauBli841S.S3.p>OMdidti^ ragtaiviraluecontort of nottaciViaic (1) GOp«oant«iti«raViatransacCon«alueine«iadiiiaad.or (2) 50 percent wtiera Mie net oosl maOiod btoad. 31 (A) A ctan0e ID subhead«igsM15J0<imiighS4t5.B3 torn any svbheadina outside to) gnai<>.««capl kom spit systons of wMwadbip (41SL10.ta« «am M15.90.40 <v Msombiias noirpaisling move than onsof the Utowine: tonipuMor. condemer. ovspomer. connoaing lutiinB: of (B] Ac»aneelosutiheadmosM15.20«in>ughB41S.83konilBi«raamM1SKI.4Oarass«iibias •looipontfng fnofv ttwnonoof liefalmnnproonipracsor. oondenssf. evaponlor, ooonacanp mbinQ. ofiu—II or not Ihaca k also a donpa tam any suHiaadng oMsUm tiat gnMp. anet^fcom «• •- . •^•^ syilaRitafsul)fiaadk«M15.10. provided Visia I* a lagional value oorMni of not leu lian: (1) 60 paioanl «4ia<a tM tFanaadion value mettiodisused, or (2) SO percent whaialw net cost nie«¥>d is used.* 60. TCR s 157 arxj 158 for tiiapter 64 are each deleted. 61. TCR 183 for chapter 84 te deleted arKl the following new TCRs are inserted infieuthereof: 183. (A) A changeto suWisadbv* 9467.11 tiraugli 8467.19 kom any oner headbie: or (B) Aciianeelosuliriaadinos9467.l1t>ouBf>*467.19kDmsubheadinBe467.91or84C7JZ. whaaiar or notttieraIs atoo a change Iram any other heading. prowidad fiera Is a faglDnal vakiB oonlani of not lassth«c (1) eOparcefll«iihe(«t<alransadiani«kieinalfiodisusad,ar (2) SO peroart when aianal cost maeiod Is used. 183A. (A) A dange to subfiaadiiigs 8467.21BwouBh 8467.29 Irom any subheading eulsidaHat youp. exceptfromhousings of suHiaaiSng 8467.91 or 8467.99 or laading 8S01: or (B) A dange 10 subheadings 8467.21 thraugh 8467.29 from housings of subheading 8467.91 or 8467J9 or headmg8501. a^ielhar ornot there is elsa a Change fiom any subheading outside that grai« pnMdad tMie is a ragional vabe ccniert of not leas aare (1) 60 percent where Via kansacfion value method is used, or <2) SO peroeM«ihera8ia eel coat method Is laed. 1838. (A) A changetosutheedings 8467.81 tMough 8467.80(mm enyeew heading: or (8) A cl>anoetosubheadings 8467.81 thnwgh 8467.88 tarn subheadng 6467.91 or 8467J9. whtthsr or not Miaia Is «lw>a cMngelrowi any other headii» providedBMW is eragtoai value oortart of not less than: (1) eopenant where the transadtanvekie methodIs UMd. or (2) SO percent where the net ODStnaKod Is uaed.*